The Widow and Orphans Aid Association held their monthly board meeting at 850 Bryant Street, room #150 in the Hall of Justice at 1:00pm.
Roll Call: Vice President John Centurioni filled in as Acting President in the absence of our President Sally Foster who was excused. Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor (CC), and Trustees Leroy Lindo, Ray Kane, Jim O’Meara, Al Luenow, and John Keane were present.
Approval of the Minutes: Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to approve the minutes from our August 2016 meeting. Trustee Leroy Lindo seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.
Receiving Applications; Suspensions; and Reinstatements: Trustee Ray Kane and I responded to the Police Academy on September 8, 2016 and presented our Organization to the 251st Recruit Class. Forty of the forty-six members of the 251st class signed up to be members of the WOAA. We suspended thirteen members in July and quickly discovered that Stanley Lee and James Green did in fact pay their dues. Our apologies to both. Nathan Johnson has since paid his dues and is hereby reinstated by vote of the board. We have experienced address conflicts with a few of the suspended members. However, the majority of the remaining ten suspended members have received and signed for their registered letter and have not paid their back dues nor have they contacted us.
Communications and Bills: Secretary McDonough read aloud our monthly bills. Treasurer Dean Taylor commented on the bills. President Sally Foster sent flowers to the family of deceased member Billye Morrow. Treasurer Taylor sent a death benefit to children of Billye Morrow.
Report of Visiting Committee: Trustee Leroy Lindo attended the memorial service for deceased member and retired Lieutenant Billye Morrow. Lindo stated the service was well attended and included a traffic escort service from our Traffic Solo Unit. Lindo stated that speeches from the children of Billye Morrow were very moving and memorable.
Report of Trustees: No report this month.
Report of Trustees: No report this month.
Report of Special Committee: No report this month.
Unfinished Business: President Foster, earlier this year, had set a deadline of October for a membership mailing announcing a dues increase for the next two years, and information regarding those members who use the SFPCU automatic payment. The Board discussed the matter and upcoming deadline.
Good of the Order: No report this month.
Adjournment: Acting President John Centurioni adjourned the meeting at approximately 2:20pm and set the next meeting to take place at 850 Bryant Street, room #150 at 1:45pm on October 11, 2016.
To All: We give our thanks and appreciation to the following people: Paul Chignell of the POA who assists our efforts in attempting to locate members who have changed their address and contact information. David Ng of Personnel and Risa Tom and Rachael Kilshaw of the Police Commission Office, who assist our efforts with obituary information. Retired Lieutenant Rene LaPrevotte who assists the WOAA by communication with many of our members with his website. Ray Shine of the POA Journal who edits our articles and assist us in many ways. And Officers and Command Staff of the Traffic Solo Unit who graciously give their space and patience to the WOAA for our meeting and office supplies. The WOAA can be contacted by calling 415 681-3660. I will return message but I will not return call without a voice mail request. I have experienced a great many members who will only talk to a live voice and refuse to leave a message. This practice does not assist our efforts to give efficient service. Please visit our website at ‘’ . Beneficiary forms can be obtained by clicking on the Resources box (upper right side tool bar) and printing the form. A CHANGE in beneficiary requires a notary and signature, or a signature of one of our board members. Please use this form to make formal address and/or contact number changes. Those changes do not require a signature.
Mark J. McDonough
WOAA Secretary