November 2017 Minutes

By | November 14, 2017

The Widows’ and Orphans’ Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department held their monthly meeting at 1:00pm on November 10, 2017 at the Hall of Justice.

Roll Call: President Centurioni, Vice President Leroy Lindo, Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor, Trustees Ray Kane, James O’Meara, Al Luenow, John Keane, and Rob Forneris, and Bookkeeper Julie Centurioni were present.
Approval of the Minutes:
Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to accept the minutes from last month’s meeting. Trustee Al Luenow seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote without objection.
Receiving Applications; Suspensions, and Reinstatements:
Trustee Ray Kane responded to the Police Academy on Monday October 23, 2017 and presented our membership to the 257th Recruit Class of the San Francisco Police Department. Trustee Kane secured thirty-six of forty-two eligible new signees, Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to accept the new signees from the 257 Recruit Class as new members (they must pass their probation period in the S.F.P.D. to be permanent members of the WOAA). Trustee Jim O’Meara seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection to accept these signees as new members of the WOAA. Trustee Ray Kane provided the stack of applications, beneficiary forms, and payroll form information to Bookkeeper Julie Centurioni for processing. Beneficiary forms were filed for Randy Mirkovich, Steve Driscoll, Ken Esposto, and Dave Kellogg. Copies were provided to Bookkeeper Julie Centurioni for data base entry. There were no new suspensions or reinstatements.  All suspended members documented from July 2017 to present, who have not paid their 2017 dues, will be dropped from the membership roll in January 2018 if their dues are not received by December 31, 2017.
Communications and Bills:
Treasurer Dean Taylor read aloud the monthly bills, and our bill for Auditing ($15,000), and Accounting ($6,000). Trustee John Keane made a motion to pay the bills and any death benefits. Trustee Ray Kane seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection. The WOAA received three donations in the name of recently deceased member Mario Pola. Al and Chris Moy, Jim and Debbie Fleming, and Mrs. Pat Scott made charitable donations to the Widows’ and Orphans’ Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department.
Report of Visiting Committee:
I attended the funeral service of Mario Pola. I met with the family who I have not seen for approximately fifty years. I offered my personal condolences as well as my representation for the WOAA. The funeral was well attended at St. Mary’s Church in Walnut Creek.
Report of Trustees:
The WOAA received the sad news that Retired San Francisco Police Lieutenant Mario Pola, and Retired Sergeant Herb Lee, long standing WOAA members, passed away:
Mario Pola, age 88: Mario B. Pola was born and raised in San Francisco on July 24, 1929. Mario graduated from Cogswell Polytechnic College in 1948 and later joined the U.S. Army Reserves. Mario was listed as a “Draftsman” prior to entering the San Francisco Police Department. Mario joined the S.F.P.D. on January 16, 1954. Mario wore star #987 and worked the following assignments during his nearly 27 years of dedication to the citizens of San Francisco: Co.K C&P (from the Police Academy March 1, 1954), Park Police Station (September 10, 1962), Ingleside Police Station (December 9, 1963), Southern Police Station (promoted to the rank of Sergeant March 16, 1969), and finished his career as a Lieutenant at Ingleside Police Station (promoted and transferred on January 20, 1980). Mario retired with a service pension on September 9, 1980. After retiring from the S.F.P.D. Mario enjoyed a full life of Travel, Golf, and social activities. In 2004 his wife Nancy, the love of his life for 46 years, passed away. Mario is survived by his beloved children, Marie Munger, Teresa Muscarella, his two sons Jim and John Pola, daughter-in-law Kelly Pola, sons-in-law Mike Muscarella and Shawn Munger, and his cherished grandchildren Kirsten, David, and Max Munger, Zeno, Angela, and Regina Muscarella, Ashley and Carly Pola and his loving companion of the past ten years, Pat Scott. Mario was preceded in death by his loving parents Rosa and Abbundio Pola, his sister Esther Watts, and brother Zeno Pola. Donations in Mario’s name can be made to the Widows’ and Orphans’ Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department.
Herb Lee, age 84: Herbert P. Lee was born on November 19, 1932. Herb attended San Francisco State University and later served in the U.S. Navy for two years. Herb is listed as having been employed as a Service Station Attendant prior to joining the San Francisco Police Department. Herb, as the first Chinese Police Officer in the history of the San Francisco Police Department, entered the S.F.P.D. on October 16, 1957, wore star #1205, and graduated from the Police Academy on February 24, 1958. Herb worked the following assignments during his 30 year career: Central Police Station (February 24, 1958), BSS (February 24, 1958 first day detail from Central Police Station), Narcotics Detail (March 30, 1964), promoted to Asst. Inspector on February 11, 1970 and subsequently transferred to the Juvenile Bureau (December 5, 1971), Herb was promoted to full Inspector on November 1, 1972,and Herb finished his career in CPE PAL Liaison (promoted to the rank of Sergeant on October 8, 1980 and sent to PAL Liaison). Herb was awarded a Second Grade Meritorious Medal for bravery for services rendered on January 31, 1959 for the arrest of an armed suspect who had held up a grocery store. At the time of the arrest Officer Lee was off duty in civilian dress and was forced to disarm the suspect by physical force. On February 14, 1964 Herb conducted an investigation and arrest of a suspect who was wanted for a series of hot prowls and rapes. Herb was awarded a commendation. Herb was assigned as an Undercover Officer on the streets of Chinatown early in his career. Herb investigated gangs, and attempted to help youths to leave them. He helped many youths by taking them fishing thousands of times over his career on the Ah Choo fishing boat. Herb took rival gangs fishing on the same trip and there was no trouble. They were there to fish with Herb. Herb, after a promotion to the rank of Sergeant, worked as the executive director of the Police Activities League (PAL). Police Chief Bill Scott called Herb a “true pioneer”. Chief Scott payed tribute to Herb Lee by crediting him with recruiting Officers of color and helping to create diversity in the Department. In later years Herb toured schools and held drug-education assemblies. Sometimes he would appear with his all-police rock band, The Electric Blue. Herb was the lead vocalist and was known for his rendition of Three Dog’s Night “Joy to the World”. . After retiring, Herb continued to fish and play golf. He is survived by his wife of 64 years Dorothy, and by children Rick Lee, John Lee, Penny Sue, and Lynette Seid. Herbert Patrick Lee died of colon cancer at age 84.
Report of Special Committee:
No report this month.
Unfinished Business:
The WOAA raised the dues to $100 per year in 2017. I have stated several times in this article that we voted for dues raise as part of an Actuarial Study that was conducted for the WOAA. The recommendation was to raise the dues significantly to offset our extremely low dues rate, the current state of the economy and stock market, increased rate of deceased members and our membership drive. The vote resulted in raising the dues to $100 for 2017 with a $17,500 benefit, and for a raise to $150 per year in 2018 with an $18,000 benefit.  To raise our dues again, this soon, would be compounding the mailing and collecting issues we endured this year. Trustee John Keane made a motion to delay the next dues raise until a time when we believe the administrative transition will be manageable. Trustee Jim O’Meara seconded the motion. The motion passed with one objection from Trustee Ray Kane. The WOAA Constitution and By Laws proposed amendments will be presented for vote at our December 12, 2017 meeting. If the vote passes by majority vote of the Board, the proposed amendments will be passed to print. The WOAA President shall then immediately designate a date within 60 days, upon which the proposed change, or amendment, will be submitted to the members by mail to be voted upon.
New Business:
Nominations for the 2018 WOAA Board were as follows: Leroy Lindo was nominated for President (John Centurioni made the motion, Al Luenow seconded), Ray Kane was nominated for Vice-President (Mark McDonough made the motion, and Trustee Rob Forneris seconded), Dean Taylor was nominated for Treasurer (John Centurioni made the motion, Mark McDonough seconded), and John Centurioni was nominated to fill the next vacant Trustee position upon the end of his year as a Two-time President (Jim O’Meara made the motion, Mark McDonough seconded).  Our investments are improving since our transition to Schwab. Schwab lowered the management fees of our portfolio as well. A very positive report. The WOAA Summary Annual Report for 2017 will be available on our website or by mail request, toward the end of our first quarter in 2018
Good of the Order:
No report this month.
President Centurioni led the WOAA Board in a moment of silence for our passing members. President Centurioni scheduled our next meeting for Tuesday December 12, 2017 at the Hall of Justice. The meeting will begin at 1:00 pm in #150 at 850 Bryant Street in San Francisco. President Centurioni adjourned the meeting.
To All:
Please visit our website at Beneficiary forms can be accessed by clicking on the RESOURCES box on our face page. New beneficiary forms REQUIRE a signature by a Notary, or a signature by one of our current Board Members. The beneficiary forms should also be used to submit any address or contact number changes updates. The address and contact numbers do not require a Notary signature. Please send your completed forms to WOAA, P.O. Box 4247, San Rafael, CA 94913-4247. As the years progress, it is critical that we are informed of our members change of address and contact numbers. We continue each month to express our thanks and gratitude to the following people who greatly assist our efforts: Retired San Francisco Police Captain and currently the POA Defense Administrator Paul Chignell, David Ng of Personnel, Sgt. Rachael Kilshaw and Risa Tom of the Office of the Police Commission, Retired San Francisco Police Sergeant and long-time editor of the POA Journal Ray Shine, Retired San Francisco Police Lieutenant and host of the Gold Country Reaper website Rene LaPrevotte, and finally to the Traffic Solo Command and its Officers who graciously afford us a location for our files and our monthly meeting.