Meeting Minutes – October 8, 2013

By | October 8, 2013

The monthly meeting of the Widows and Orphans Aid Association of the Polce Department of San Francisco for October of 2013 was called to order by President Bob Mattox on Tuesday October 8, 2013 at 1:45pm, at room 150 at the Hall of Justice.

Our regular order of business was suspended at the beginning of our meeting to allow our Investment representatives from Wells Fargo Bank give us a quarterly report. In short, our quarter returns yielded positive results with our diversified portfolio. Bonds were negative for the quarter, however, our domestic stocks more than covered the lost ground.

Roll Call of Officers:

     President Bob Mattox, Vice President Al Luenow, Secretary Mark McDonough, and Trustees John Centurioni, Sally Foster, John Keane, and Leroy Lindo were present. Trustee Joe Reilly was excused.

Approval of the Minutes of the September 2013 Meeting:

     Trustee John Centurioni made a motion to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting on September 10, 2013. Trustee John Keane seconded the motion which passed without objection.

Receiving Applications for New Members; Suspensions and Reinstatements:

     My scheduled visit to the San Francisco Police Academy to address the 238th Recruit Class for October 2, 2013 has been rescheduled for later this month.

I addressed the Retirement Seminar at Sigmund Stern Grove today at 11:45am. I advised the group to remember upon retirement, that Direct Deposit stops. A member must set up a new Direct Deposit from their financial institution that will direct a January dues payment for the WOAA. I provided direct-payment forms, but advised the group that our Website will be functional next year and will have forms that are accessible for members. I stated that 2013 has been very difficult due to the approximately 400 retirements. I also advised them that Leroy Lindo has been in contact with the Retirement Board, and will Al Casciato and reports that we may be able to have retirees provided with WOAA payment information and suggestions at the time they sign they’re separation papers. This step will help eliminate what appears to be a ‘confusion’ with regard to paying WOAA dues after retirement. I will address the next Retirement Seminar in February 2014. A member will always have an option to send a $72.00 check for their yearly dues, however, this option has proven to be a difficult obligation for many to remember.

Over 40 suspension letters were mailed to members who had not paid their dues in a six-month period. I have received numerous phone calls from these members and I am confident that all suspended members will pay their dues and be re-instated. At the time of our meeting only two checks have been received with the promise of numerous others to be on their way. Today we reinstated two members: Darlene Ayala and Stewart Ng.

I was unable to access any personal contact information on three members who are to be suspended  for unpaid dues. If anyone has contact information of these three members please contact me as soon as possible. We would like to resolve this issue and retain them as members in good standing. The members are Julian Garcia, John Lynch, and Dagmar Strand. I can be reached at 415 681-3660, and our mailing address is P.O. Box 880034, Sf ,Ca. 94188.

Communications and Bills:

     Vice President Al Luenow made a motion to pay our monthly bills. The motion was seconded by Trustee John Keane and passed without objection.

Report of Visiting Committee:

     I attended the Funeral Service of Joseph F. Engler at the St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church. The service was a moving tribute to the caring and giving heart, and soul of Joseph Engler. There was an out-pouring of emotion and an expression of sadness for the loss of a man who epitomized the term “giving back”. Joe was a selfless man who directed his life to helping his family and others who were in need. Joe’s son, Lieutenant Joe Engler bravely took the pulpit and spoke on behalf of his father, and his family. The church could not hold the capacity crowd which stood to listen well beyond the rear doors and out onto the steps that welcome all visitors. There were Deputy Chiefs, a Commander, and San Francisco Police Officers that ranged in all ranks. Representatives from the POA were present as were an impressive group of Retirees from all ranks as well.

Report of Trustees:

     At the time of this article, there was one reported death of a member:

Robert L. Stone: Age 77. Robert was born in San Francisco on 10-15-35. He graduated from Jefferson High School in Daly City, in 1953. Soon thereafter, Robert enlisted in the U.S. Army. Before retiring in 1992, he rose to the rank of E9 Command Sergeant Major at Brigade level. Prior to entering the San Francisco Police Department, Robert was a Patrol Special Officer. On 12-01-58 Robert entered the SFPD and was assigned to Star#1164. Between 3-9-59 and 9-21-75 Robert worked at Ingleside, Northern, and Central Police Stations. Robert transferred to BSS in 1970 and was assigned to the Inspector’s Bureau in 1973. Robert was promoted to full Inspector in 1976. While in the Inspector’s Bureau, Robert worked primarily in the Juvenile Bureau but did work for period of time in the CSTF (Crime Specific Task Force). Robert received Department recognition and Awards for numerous arrests and investigations including but not limited to a 1962 arrests of persons for attempted rape, and a burglary in progress. Robert twice saved individuals who were attempting suicide by jumping from tall buildings (1963 and 1966), and a Western Union hold-up suspect (1964). In 1968 Robert arrested a man who had shot his daughter and was attempting to murder the remainder of his family. That same year Robert arrested an armed assailant who aimed a gun at a Tavern bartender. On 9-7-69 Robert Stone and his partner Spiteri were awarded Bronze medals for arrested an armed assailant who shot at the officers. The assailant was in a Bail Bonds office and had intended to kill the Bondsman.  In 1974, Robert and his partner Lloyd Crosbie were on a robbery stakeout at the Westbury Hotel. Stone and Crosbie confronted the suspect who opened fire on the Inspectors. Stone and Crosbie exchanged gunfire with the suspect with Crosbie being struck with a bullet. Stone’s return fire struck the suspect who was then taken into custody. Crosbie was seriously injured, but recovered and later rose to the rank of Captain before retiring. Crosbie and Stone were awarded Gold Medals of Valor. Stone received two Bronze Medals in his career, to go with his Gold Medal, and numerous other awards of recognition .A newspaper article printed that Robert L. Stone was the highest decorated police officer in SFPD history, at the time of his Gold Medal of Valor award.  Robert L. Stone retired with a 30 year service pension in 1989.

After retirement, Robert was self-employed as a Private Investigator and specialized in Arson Investigation. Robert also started a Gun Sales business, was involved in the San Mateo County Emergency Services. Robert was a Gourmet cook, investigated his geneology back to the 1600’s, and had a passion for fishing. Robert became ill in 2006 with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Congestive Heart Failure. He is survived by his loving wife Diana, his two sons Michael (Granite Bay, Ca.) and David (Novato ,Ca.). A quiet family gathering was held at Robert’s home in Millbrae.

Report of Special Committee:

     Senior Trustee John Centurioni submitted his copy of proposed changes to our Constitution and By-Laws. Trustees John Keane and Leroy Lindo also submitted their proposals to President Mattox. One proposed change will be to ensure that members who are on military leave will be covered by their dues and be given full benefits.  There will be more to follow in regard to needed updates and changes.

Unfinished Business:

     Our website will feature FAQ’S (frequently asked questions) with answers. We are continuing to add more information, features, and tools to assist our membership in accessing the website for their needs and concerns. Again, we expect this website to be functional in early 2014.

New Business:

     A proposed and tentative date of January 18, 2014 was agreed upon for the next President’s Dinner at the IL Fornaio Restaurant on the Embarcadero in San Francisco.

Good of the Association:

     No entry.


     President Mattox adjourned the meeting at approximately 3:00pm with a moment of silence for our fallen members. President Mattox set the next meeting for Tuesday November 12, 2013 at 1:45pm in room#150 at the Hall of Justice.

All Members:

     Please be sure that beneficiary forms are up to date with your current information, and your choice of beneficiary. Please send us any contact changes with your new address and telephone numbers. As mentioned above, three unpaid members have not been contacted due to lack of contact information. These members will be dropped from our membership in the next few months if we are unable to contact them. Please contact me at 415 681-3660 if you can assist us in resolving the situation. Our goal is to keep all our members.   Direct Deposit for dues in January of each year is the most efficient way to pay. This can be done through your financial institution. You can always mail us a check or any correspondence to:


P.O. Box 880034

SF ,Ca.  94188 


                                                                                                                     Submitted by Mark J. McDonough

                                                                                                                     WOAA Secretary