The monthly meeting of the Widows and Orphans Aid Association of the Police Department of San Francisco, for December 2013, was called to order by President Bob Mattox. The meeting was held at room #150 at 850 Bryant St, at 1:45pm.
Roll Call of Officers:
President Robert Mattox, Vice President Al Luenow, Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor, and Trustees John Keane, Sally Foster, John Centurioni were present. Trustees Joe Reilly and Leroy Lindo were excused. Ray Kane was also present at the meeting.
Approval of the Minutes of November 12, 2013 Meeting:
Trustee John Centurioni made a motion to approve the minutes from our last meeting on November 12, 2013. The motion was seconded by Trustee John Keane and passed without objection.
Receiving Applications for New Members, Suspensions, and Reinstatements:
On Monday February 3, 2014, we will respond to the S.F. Police Academy to address the new class for WOAA membership. There were no new suspensions this month. However, we are in excess of 20 suspended members who will be dropped from membership next month if they remain in their “unpaid” status. There were no reinstatements this month.
Communications and Bills:
There were no communications this month. Trustee John Keane made a motion to pay our regular monthly bills. The motion was seconded by Trustee Sally Foster and passed without objection. We paid one death benefit during the month to the spouse of Joseph Miles. Our yearly audit was completed and the bill was paid.
Report of Visiting Committee:
No report from our Visiting Committee this month. A suggestion was made to send a floral wreath to the services of all fallen members. Members were in agreement, however, the cost and process will be researched prior to making a motion on this matter.
Report of Trustees:
At the time of this meeting we had one reported death of a member:
Neville K. Gittens: Age 57. Lieutenant Neville K. Gittens was born on 05/22/56 in Brooklyn, New York to Vivian and Neville O. Gittens. He attended St. Gregory’s Elementary and Brooklyn Technical High Schools. Neville received both academic and football scholarships and attended Concordia College in Bronxville, New York. Neville decided to relocate to California after visiting his sister Cheryle at Berkeley. His initial objective was to become a Pharmacist, but he later decided to pursue in Law Enforcement. Neville entered the San Francisco Police Department on February 2, 1981 and was assigned to Star #2124. Neville completed his training at the Police Academy and was assigned to Central Police Station for the Field Training Program. Neville remained at Central Station for many years. Neville began his advancement in the Department by becoming a Field Training Officer. In 1988 Neville was asked to become a member of the Narcotics Detail. Neville averaged “two buys a day” during his time in Narcotics and attributed the “team concept as a major factor in his success at Narcotics. Neville’s talent and performance were recognized again when he was selected to become a member of the Intelligence Unit. Neville accepted the offer and was assigned to Black Gang Investigations. Neville Gittens became the first Court-Certified Black Gang Expert in the San Francisco Police Department. Neville’s work ethic, ability, and production were recognized by his Superiors and he subsequently became a members of the Mayor’s Security Detail. He worked for Mayors Frank Jordan and Willie Brown. In June of 1996 Neville was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and was transferred to the Domestic Violence Response Unit as an Investigator. He was promoted to Inspector of Police in 1999 while assigned to DVRU. Despite the serious nature of the DV cases, Neville considered this time working with his fellow DV Inspectors as one of the most enjoyable of his career. In 2000, Neville transferred to the Payroll Unit of the Staff Services Division where he supervised some of the hardest working and most dedicated civilian members of the Department. In 2002 he was selected to manage the Office of Public Affairs (OPA) as one of the spokespersons for the San Francisco Police Department. Neville accepted the position and quickly became the “face and voice of the San Francisco Police Department”. While managing the OPA, Neville graduated from the Supervisory Leadership Institute in 2004. In October of 2008 he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Neville was transferred to the Airport Bureau in 2009 and thoroughly enjoyed his time there until his retirement on March 22, 2011. During his 30 year career, Neville participated in numerous community policing endeavors. He was a member of the City and County of San Francisco Youth Works Program. From 1996-2001, he was in charge of the Special Olympics fund raising events for the Department. He and a team of volunteers were able to raise a significant amount of funding for the charity. While often exhausting, this was one of the most rewarding experiences of Neville’s career in that he believed that all Special Olympic participants were winners. Neville received numerous commendations, certificates, and formal recognition for his dedication to duty and leadership skills. A review of Neville’s career reveals a common theme regarding his assignments. Neville was either selected or requested for most of his assignments. Neville’s talents and abilities, his performance, and people skills made him the respected and popular person we knew him as. Any Superior who sought to improve their unit on numerous levels would want a “Neville Gittens” on their team. Some of Neville’s other interests included world travel, snow skiing, cooking, gardening, and collecting classic cars. Neville was preceeded in death by his great-grandparents Germaine and Beresford Gittens of Barbados, Lucy Sivels, Patrick and Monya Moore, grandparents Neville O. Sr. and Grace Gittens, Vivian and Edwin Armstrong and Uncle Keith Gittens. He is survived by parents Vivian and Neville O. Gittens Jr., sister Cheryle Gittens-Bailey and brother-in-law George F. Bailey, uncle Guy P. Lee, great aunt Sybil Daniels and Shirley Gittens; cousins Kim, Leslie, Ian, Stuart, Hallam Gittens, Jean Barrows, Madge and Willie-Louise Cuffee, Sarah Sawyer and son Bruce Sawyer, Sandra and Gloria Jean Monroe, Francis Thomas and their families, nieces Ain Bailey, Abena Roman and nephew Khemit Bailey, godson Johnathan Ling and wife Michelle, as well as a host of loving friends and co-workers.
Report of Special Committee:
Our Constitution Re-write is an “in-progress” project. We have a draft and we are searching for an attorney to read the document and give us their legal opinion relating to our Non-profit status. Our Website is nearing completion. We will have the site available to members as soon as possible. We are expecting to present the Website possibly as early as next month. Our new website address will be “”.
Unfinished Business:
Nominations for our Officers election is now closed. Next year’s new officers are as follows: President Al Luenow, Vice President John Keane, Treasurer Dean Taylor, Trustee Sally Foster, Trustee Leroy Lindo, and Trustee Ray Kane. They will begin their term at the January 2014 meeting.
New Business:
Good of the Association:
The Secretary will complete an End of the Year report. This report will include our yearly business, and the fallen members of our Association.
President Mattox adjourned the meeting at approximately 2:45pm with a moment of silence for our fallen members. President Mattox set the next meeting for Tuesday January 14, 2014 at 850 Bryant St in room#150 at 1:45pm.
All Members:
We have exhausted our efforts to locate and notify our suspended members for 2013. We have checked our files, checked the internet, requested information from the Department, and used the “word of mouth” network attempting to resolve this issue. As of the date of this submitted report, the following members who are suspended, will be dropped from the membership if we do not receive their dues by December 31, 2013:
Raymond Austin, Nancy Brewer, Jack Carter, Juliana Garcia(227th recruit class), James Gratz, Wendy Hurley, Kimberly Lasalle, Mark Laherty, Maritn Loo, John Lynch, Iraj Mahvi, Steven Maionchi, Lance Martin ,Anh Nguyen (227th recruit class), Daniel O’Brien, Gregory Ovanessian, Maria Peregrina (227th recruit class), Darby Reid, Dagmar Strand, Irwin Tuttleman, Chi Young, and Lynda Zmak. The following members will be dropped from the membership in the following months in 2014: Victor Arrebollo (March), William Brunicardi (February).
However, we do not want to lose any member from our Organization. I do not take any pleasure in printing names of members in our article. The non- payment of dues and subsequent suspension and separation from the WOAA is a mandated announcement per our Constitution and By-Laws. WE CAN RESOLVE THIS ISSUE if we are contacted by any named members who are suspended or dropped.
The 2014 annual dues are due in JANUARY. Please be sure that your beneficiary forms, addresses, and contact information is up to date. You can contact us at 415 681-3660. If you have not set up a direct deposit for January, you can send $72.00 to:
P.O. Box 880034
SF,Ca 94188
Our future website will hopefully resolve some of our payment issues. We will provide a payment option online. Not every retired member receives a copy of the Journal. Please advise any member possible to read our article, and to remember to pay dues. This is particulary important to retirees.
Submitted by
Mark J. McDonough/Secretary