The monthly meeting of the Widows and Orphans Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department, was called to order on Tuesday March 11, 2014, by President Al Luenow. The meeting was held at 850 Bryant Street, room #150 at 1:45pm.
Roll Call of Officers:
President Al Luenow, Vice President John Keane, Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor, Trustees John Centurioni, Leroy Lindo, and Ray Kane were present. Trustees Sally Foster and Joe Reilly were excused.
Approval of the Minutes:
Trustee John Centurioni made a motion to approve the February 2014 minutes. The motion was seconded by Trustee Leroy Lindo and passed without objection.
Receiving Applications for New Members; Suspensions, and Reinstatements:
Trustee Lindo attended the Retirement Seminar for the SFPD at Sigmund Stern Grove on February 27, 2014. Leroy presented the attendees with information regarding “direct deposit” for their retirement transition. Leroy answered questions regarding the WOAA and provided answers and necessary information including the WOAA website “”. Our new website will assist members in processing their beneficiary and contact changes. Our website also contains our monthly minutes and will have our year ending reports.
SFPD Recruit Classes 238 and 239 have a high number of WOAA sign-ups. All recruits who have signed up for the WOAA will be eligible for permanent membership upon their completion of probation.
Communications and Bills:
The WOAA paid three death benefits to the benefactors of Frank Fahey, Michael Hutchings, and Abel Martinez. Trustee John Centurioni made a motion to pay the benefits and bills. Trustee Leroy Lindo seconded the motion which passed without objection.
Report of Visiting Committee:
No report for this month.
Report of Trustees:
Dillon Cole: Age 73: Dillon Cole Jr was born on 8-5-40 in Nashville, Tn. Dillon was listed as a Surveyor as a prior occupation before joining the San Francisco Police Department on 10-16-67. Dillon graduated from the Police Academy in February of 1968 and was assigned to Ingleside Police Station on 2-12-68. Dillon was assigned to star #1886. Dillon was transferred later that year on 9-17-68 to the AIB at the Traffic Bureau. On 8-9-72 he transferred to CPC, and returned to Ingleside Police Station on 4-3-75. On 5-9-77 he was transferred to the Support Services Bureau. Dillon retired with a disability pension on 12-5-77 after serving the city for just over 10 years. During his ten years, Dillon is listed as having been awarded a meritorious conduct award, and three Bronze Medals of Valor all during the year of 1973. Dillon chased an armed 211 suspect on foot and exchanged gunfire with the suspect who he subsequently arrested (Bronze Medal). Dillon was awarded the Meritorious Award for his investigation and arrest of a Burglary suspect. Dillon was awarded another Bronze Medal for the arrest of an attempted Homicide suspect who had shot and wounded her boyfriend. Dillon and his partner recovered the weapon. Dillon’s final Bronze Medal was for the arrest of an armed Robbery suspect who engaged in a vehicle chase. The suspect brandished a firearm at the officers who were able to capture the suspect and recover the weapon.
Abel O. Martinez: Age 76: Abel was born in 1937 in Shinner, Texas to Domingo and Teofila Martinez. Abel joined the San Francisco Police Department on 10-18-68 at the age of 31. Abel was assigned to Star #561. Abel graduated from the Police Academy in April of 1969 and was assigned to Mission Police Station on April 7th. On 01-21-73 Abel transferred to Central Police Station. Abel remained at Co. A until 08-14-93 when he suffered an injury. Abel was assigned to Medical Liaison for a few months and was reassigned to the Co. K Traffic Bureau. Abel spent a brief period at Southern Police Station, but returned to the Traffic Bureau where he remained until his retirement on 05-14-03. Abel retired with a service pension after 34 plus years in the SFPD, and was awarded a Bronze Medal of Valor for arrest of an armed Robbery suspect. The suspect and officers exchanged gunfire until the officers subsequently took the suspect and firearm into custody. Abel is survived by his wife of 49 years (Mary Lou (Farr), his sons William and Michael (SFFD), daughter Kimberly Martinez, brothers Andres and Adalino, sisters Adela Chapa and Amelia Sorrell, his grandchildren Rachel, Connor, and Ryan, and his many loving nieces, nephews, and extended family. Abel was a loving father, husband, grandfather, and friend to all.
James T. Moore: Age 77: James was born on 05-14-36 in Waskom, TX. Prior to joining the San Francisco Police Department James’ prior occupation is listed as a Parking Controlman. James entered the SFPD on 07-01-66 at the age of 30. On 09-12-66 James was assigned to Northern Police Station where he remained until his appointment to Inspector in 1972. James was then assigned to the Juvenile Detail where he remained until suffering a career ending injury. James retired with a disability pension on 01-18-79 after serving the city for 12 years. James Moore was awarded two Bronze Medals of Valor, and one Gold Medal of Valor. On 9-4-70 at 5:15am, Moore and his partner Hans C. Anderson responded to a call of several escaped Burglary suspects. Moore and Anderson spotted the suspect vehicle and engaged in a high speed pursuit where the suspects fired their guns at the officers. Moore and Anderson returned fire resulting in all parties sustaining gunshot wounds. The suspects were possession of handguns and a shotgun which the fired at Moore and Anderson. Moore and Anderson were able to hang on until the suspects gave up and were arrested. James Moore and his partner were awarded a Gold Medal of Valor. Moore was awarded a Bronze Medal of Valor for the arrest of armed Robbery suspects who committed a 211/takeover at a supermarket. The suspects tied up the victims. One suspect attempted to use his firearm James Moore and his partner Hans C. Anderson. Moore and Anderson were able to disarm the suspect and effect the arrest. I was not able to obtain any information on Moore’s last Bronze Medal of Valor.
To All Members: In regard to our fallen members, we greatly accept and appreciate any and all assistance in background information for our obituary section. Please forward any information that can be used in giving tribute to our members. Contact me at 415 681-3660.
Report of Special Committee:
Trustee Sally Foster reported previously to the Board that she wishes to select “Just Flowers” as our choice for floral arrangements for member’s services. The Board was in agreement, however, we will wait for Trustee Foster at next month’s meeting to make a motion to accept.
Unfinished Business:
No report this month.
New Business:
Many retired members who use “Direct Deposit” received a bill this year. President Luenow will request a member’s roster from City Payroll and Direct Deposits. Luenow will gather all
necessary lists and assign a board member or designee to cross check all lists for membership verification and payment category. President Luenow and the Board are dedicated to organizing the membership data to ensure accurate billing and records.
Good of the Association:
No report this month.
President Luenow moved for a moment of silence for our fallen members. President Luenow then set the next meeting for Tuesday April 8, 2014 at 850 Bryant St, room #150 at 1:45pm. President Luenow then adjourned the meeting.
All Members:
Unfortunately we have experienced unpleasant situations with the Designated Beneficiary Form of a few of our fallen members. In some instances the named Benefactor was already deceased, and in other instances members have changed their Marital Status and neglected to change their Beneficiary Form. PLEASE BE SURE TO REVIEW YOUR BENEFICIARY FORM AND MAKE ANY NECESSARY CHANGES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. ESTATE PLANNING, LIVING TRUSTS, AND WILLS ARE RECOMMENDED TO CLARIFY THE DEATH BENEFIT.
I have received numerous responses from members who have updated their addresses, beneficiary, and contact numbers. We are pleased to see such a positive response. Paul Chignell of the POA has been an instrumental force in reaching members who we were unable to reach. Our thanks again goes out to Paul who continues to support our cause. Please utilize the new WOAA website at ‘’, and click on the Resources box. Please update any necessary information, print the form, and send it to us at: WOAA, P.O. Box 880034, San Francisco, California 94188. Please remember to have a board member or notary sign the form if you are changing your beneficiary.
Our apologies go out to retired members who have ‘direct deposit’ and received a bill. We are working on eliminating the confusion for 2015. Members who have “direct- deposit’” should not receive a bill. Often, “direct- deposit” member’s payment are sent to us by code number and not by name.
We then have to contact the financial institution to match a name to the code number. Hopefully we will print a complete list and avoid the confusion. Additional thanks go to the continuing assistance I receive from Captain William Roulades and Inspector John Monroe with member information that contributes to our Obituary Section.