The Widows and Orphans Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department met at the Hall of Justice 850 Bryant Street, room #150 on Tuesday June 9, 2015 at 1:45pm.
Roll Call: President John Keane, Vice President Sally Foster, Treasurer Dean Taylor, and Trustees John Centurioni, Leroy Lindo, Ray Kane, James O’Meara, and Al Luenow were present. Secretary Mark McDonough was excused.
Approval of the Minutes: Trustee John Centurioni made a motion to approve the minutes from our meeting on May 12, 2015. Trustee Jim O’Meara seconded the motion which passed without objection.
Receiving Applications for New Members; Suspensions and Reinstatements: There are no new suspensions. We have a regularly mandated schedule date of June 30th to suspend members who have not paid their dues for the first six months of each calendar year. We understand that our transition change of book keepers, and our system has caused a delay in billing mailout. We have been working diligently to overcome our obstacles and will “suspend our suspension” for 2015, for 30 days. We will not suspend non-paying members until after July 30, 2015. Any member who has not paid their dues, and continues non- payment through December 31, 2015 will be stricken from the roll and dropped as a member of the WOAA. For the year 2014, several members did not pay their dues after retiring, and did not pay their dues for 2015 as well. Per Article III, Section 3 of our Constitution and By-Laws, the following names of WOAA members were reported to WOAA President John Keane for suspension of unpaid dues. President Keane proclaimed the following members as “suspended”:
Lewis Fong, Leslie Forrestal, Bart Johnson, James D. Jones, David Lara, Robert Merino,
Brenda Rodgers, Thomas Wong, Henry Yee.
I responded to Sigmund Stern Grove on May 28, 2015 at 0900 for the SFPD Retirement Seminar. I provided a copy of the WOAA beneficiary form to members of the seminar who are WOAA members. There are always a few members who were “surprised” to see their forms and who was designated. These members expressed immediate interest on submitting a new form with changes. I addressed this issue and our hope that members will sign up for direct payments from their financial institution upon their retirement from the SFPD.
There were no reinstatements.
Communications and Bills: Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to pay our regular monthly bills, designated death benefits to the Beneficiaries of fallen members Arthur Orrante, Ben Van Iderstine, and Stanley Cordes, and for the floral arrangements sent to the families. Trustee Leroy Lindo seconded the motion which passed without objection.
Report of Visiting Committee: No report this month.
Report of Trustees: One member has been reported as passing away.
Daniel O’Leary (Dan O’Leary requested that no obituary be published in this article).
Ken Osgood, age 93: Kenneth “Kenny” Osgood was born on May 18, 1922 in Pueblo, Colorado, and passed away on June 1, 2015 in Reno, Nevada. Ken’s previous job listing prior to the San Francisco Police Department was Supervisor Shipment Clerk. Ken joined the S.F.P.D. on September 1, 1956. Ken wore star #1565. Ken was assigned from the Academy to Central Police Station on November 27, 1956. On September 9, 1957 Ken was transferred to Taraval Station. A year later, Ken was transferred to Northern Police Station on September 17, 1958, where he remained until his retirement on July 12, 1985. Ken served the city of San Francisco, and our Department for nearly 29 years, with nearly 27 years served at Northern Police Station.
Report of Special Committee: Trustee Ray Kane gave a presentation on our search for an Actuary Study. Ray met with an associate of Bartel Associates LLC. The fee for the study will be approximately $5000 with additional costs for related issues that need research. Our focus is revisit our age limit requirement, and to research our yearly dues amount in conjunction with our assets vs our investments. Translation: Do we need to raise our dues to offset the current state of our economy, and the rising costs for doing business. Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to contract with Bartel Associates. Trustee John Centurioni seconded the motion which passed without objection.
Unfinished Business: Vice President Sally Foster sent flowers to the Beneficiary of James Norman (Mabel), Ben Van Iderstine (Eleanor). In regard to our Actuary Study mentioned above in Report of Special Committee, we will upon completion of the study, resume our project of re-writing our Constitution and By-Laws.
New Business: No report this month.
Good of the Association: No report this month.
Adjournment: President John Keane closed the meeting at 1453 hours with a moment of silence for our fallen members. President Keane scheduled our next meeting for July 14, 2015 at 1:45pm at the Hall of Justice 850 Bryant st, room #150.
To All Members: Please use our website ‘’ to access WOAA beneficiary forms. Use a laptop or desktop (no pads) and click on our “resources box” on the upper right side of the tool bar. Print the form and complete it with your designated beneficiary(s) and your CURRENT address and contact information. Beneficiary forms must be signed by a WOAA Board Member or a Notary. Please use this form for ADDRESS CHANGES. Address changes do not need a Notary signature. We continue to express our thanks and gratitude to Retired SFPD Captain Paul Chignell of the POA who has assisted our efforts in contacting members who have not paid their dues AND have NOT updated their address changes and contact information. Paul has done an exemplary job in the POA and in his continued efforts to help our organization. Jon Voong and Lieutenant Nick of Personnel continue to assist our obituary section with providing career information of our fallen members. Inspector John Monroe also assists our obituary section with Department Award information of our fallen members. Our thanks to Paul, Jon, Nick, and John. I can be contacted by email at ‘’, and by phone at 415 681-3660. Please leave a voice mail as I do not return missed calls not accompanied with a message.