January 2025 Meeting Minutes

By | January 14, 2025

The Widows’ and Orphans’ Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department held their monthly meeting on Tuesday January 14, 2025, at 1100 hours, on Zoom.

Roll Call: President Leroy Lindo (2nd term), Vice President Ray Kane, Secretary Mark J. McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor, Trustees Jim O’Meara, Maureen Leonard, Rob Forneris, Lou Barberini, Ryan Walsh, and Administrative Assistant Sally Foster were present.
Approval of the Minutes:
Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to accept the December 2024 Meeting Minutes. Trustee Ryan Walsh seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Receiving Applications; Suspensions and Reinstatements:
Trustee Ray Kane presented our membership to the 283rd Recruit Class. Ray signed up the 12 remaining class members for membership in the Widows’ and Orphans’ Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department. The WOAA 2025 Dues need to be submitted by check, automatic payment, or by Venmo.
Communications and Bills:
Treasurer Taylor read aloud our monthly bills and beneficiary claims.   Secretary McDonough made a motion to pay the bills and beneficiary claim for recently deceased member Thomas Heffernan. Trustee Rob Forneris seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Report of Visiting Committee:
No report this month.
Report of Trustees:
The WOAA Board received the sad news of our following members who passed away recently:
Jerome H.  Cassidy, age 87: Jerome “Jerry’ Cassidy was born on November 11, 1937 in Pontiac, Michigan. Jerry is listed as having worked as a Garage Attendant prior to his Law Enforcement career. Jerry entered the San Francisco Police Department on January 4, 1960 and was assigned to Star #100. Jerry was assigned to the following assignments during his 28 plus year career: Potrero Police Station (April 11, 1960), Northern Police Station (February 5, 1961), Mission Police Station (February 13, 1962), Co. K Solo Motorcycle Unit (July 16, 1965). Jerome H. Cassidy retired with a Service Pension on September 2, 1988. Jerry, to my knowledge, was the first San Francisco Police Officer to start and operate a San Francisco Police Department Golf Club. Jerry had a large roster of Officers who enjoyed Golfing and getting together on days off. Later The Loon’s Nest Golf Club emerged in the 1980’s by now retired Sgt. Edmund Garcia and retired Lieutenant Glen Mar.  Both Clubs existed simultaneously for many years. The Loon’s Nest Golf Club continues to operate today and monthly reports can be read in the POA Journal. AWARDS: Officer Jerome H. Cassidy was awarded with a Bronze Medal of Valor for services rendered on Monday May 11, 1970 at 1100 hours. Officer Cassidy responded to a call of an “800/221” (Insane man with a gun). No location is given. The suspect, in possession of a rifle, threatened his wife and sister. Officer Cassidy arrived and ordered the suspect to drop the rifle. The suspect refused. Officer Cassidy then rushed the suspect and knocked the rifle to the floor. Officer Cassidy engaged in a physical struggle with the suspect and eventually overpowered him and placed him in custody.
Martin Kilgariff Sr., age 89: Martin Joseph Kilgariff was born on February 27. 1935.  Martin Kilgariff Sr. passed away peacefully at his home on December 18, 2024, surrounded by his family. Born to Annie and Martin Kilgariff, Martin Sr. was raised on Faxon Avenue in Ingleside district of San Francisco. He was second of nine children. Martin attended St. Emydius Catholic Grammar School and Lincoln d High Schools in San Francisco. Martin received his BA in PE from San Francisco State University, his MA in Public Administration from Golden Gate University and his JD from Lincoln Law School. Martin also served in the United States Army and was stationed in Germany. Martin served the City of San Francisco as an Officer in the San Francisco Police Department, a firefighter in the San Francisco Fire Department and was a teacher at City College Martin J. Kilgariff was a Student prior to his Civil Service career. Martin entered the San Francisco Police Department on July 1, 1959. Marting was assigned to Star #1082 and worked the following assignments during his short 2.5- year Police career: Park Police Station (October 6, 1959), Northern Police Station (June 20, 1960), Ingleside Police Station (May 21, 1961). Martin J. Kilgariff transferred from the San Francisco Police Department to the San Francisco Fire Department on January 14, 1962.
Report of Special Committee: No report this month.
Old Business:
No report this month.
New Business:
No report this month.
Good of the Order:
No report this month.
President Lindo led our Board in a moment of silence for recently deceased members Jerome Cassidy and Martin Kilgariff Sr., and for all our deceased member, and for all the  lives lost in the fire in Southern California. Lindo scheduled our next meeting for Tuesday February 11, 2025, at 1100 hours.
To All Members:
Members can access beneficiary forms on our website at sfwidowsandorphans.org. If a member wishes the change his or her beneficiary, access the website and click on RESOURCES. Follow the link and print out the form. Completed the form in its’ entirety. Obtain a signature by a Notary or from one of our Board Members and mail the form to WOAA, P.O. BOX 4247, San Rafael, CA 94913-4247. I can be contacted at (415) 681-3660, or by email at markmac825@comcast.net.
Each month we acknowledge the following people who provide assistance in giving our members the best customer service possible: Retired San Francisco Police Captain and the  Administrator of Defense for members of the San Francisco Police Officers Association (SFPOA), Paul Chignell; Retired San Francisco Police Lieutenant and the host of the Gold Country Reaper email that reaches thousands of Police Officers (active and retired), Rene LaPrevotte; Retired San Franciso Police Sergeant and the long-standing editor of the SFPOA Journal Newspaper, Ray Shine; Maggie Wang of Personnel, and Kristine Singh of the Police Commission Office.