February 2017 Minutes

By | February 14, 2017

The Widows and Orphans Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department held their monthly meeting at 1:00pm on February 14, 2017 at the Hall of Justice.

Roll Call: President John Centurioni, Vice President Leroy Lindo, Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor and Trustees Ray Kane, John Keane, and Sally Foster were all present. Trustees Al Luenow and James O’Meara were excused.

Approval of the Minutes:
Trustee John Keane made a motion to accept the minutes from the January 10, 2017 meeting. Vice President Leroy Lindo seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.

Receiving Applications; Suspensions and Reinstatements:
Secretary McDonough responded to the San Francisco Police Academy on January 17, 2017. McDonough presented the WOAA membership to the 255th Recruit Class. The WOAA signed up twenty-two new members from the 34 member 255th Recruit Class.
The following members did not pay their dues for the year of 2016.By vote of the WOAA board, per Article III, Section 4 of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Widows’ and Orphans’ Aid Association of the Police Department of San Francisco, the unpaid members will be stricken from the roll:
Nancy Brewer, Jesse Cruz, James M. Kelly, Mark Lustenberger, Justin Madden,James Robinson, and Robert Tayac.
All of the aforementioned members will be sent a registered letter of their status and the rule of reapplication per the WOAA Constitution and By-Laws. The stricken members have the option to reapply by written application per Article III, Section 6 with payment of back dues, and late fees. The stricken member, per Article III, Section 2 must present a certificate of sound health with their back dues and fees. The WOAA Board shall vote to accept or deny the application.
The motion to accept our new members, and to strike the unpaid members for 2016 from our roll, was brought to the floor by Trustee John Keane. The motion was seconded by Trustee Ray Kane. The motion passed without objection.

Retirement Seminar: The WOAA has responded to the scheduled S.F.P.D. Retirement Seminars for the past three years. We address the class in regard to dues payments upon separation from the San Francisco Police Department. The payroll deduction for our dues stops upon retirement. WOAA members, from that moment forward, can pay their dues by check, pay pal option on our website, or by application of automatic payment from their financial institution. The San Francisco Police Credit Union has been serving our members in setting up the new automatic payment. The WOAA mailed the information of our raise in dues for 2017 and 2018 to our members, and provided dues payment options in the letter. Secretary McDonough provided existing beneficiary form copies to each WOAA member at the Seminar and dispensed new beneficiary forms for members who wished to make a change at this time.

Communications and Bills:
Treasurer Taylor presented the board with the regular monthly bills, and the paid beneficiary per our fallen members Walter Braunschweig, Thomas O’Flanagan, Mike Pedrini, and Robert Salaiz. Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to pay the bills and beneficiaries. Trustee John Keane seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection. By vote of the WOAA Board, and after discussing our current Investment performance with Abbott- Downing and the presentation of the Charles Schwab Brokerage Firm from Corte Madera, California, we voted to change our investment group. The Charles Schwab Brokerage Firm will now handle the investment portfolio for the WOAA.

Report of Visiting Committee:
No report this month.

Report of Trustees: No report this month.

Report of Special Committee: No Report this month.

Unfinished Business: Past President Sally Foster emailed to the Board, the previously approved changes to the WOAA Constitution and By-Laws. The Board briefly discussed the mailing of the proposed changes to our membership.
New Business:
President Centurioni tabled the yearly Past Presidents Dinner. Past President Sally Foster is scheduled to be honored this year for all her work and dedication to the WOAA for the year 2016. The dinner event is not scheduled at this time. Past President Foster will inform the Board of her wishes to be honored at a Past President’s Dinner, or to have a small intimate style dinner with the current Board.
Good of the Order:
No report this month.
President Centurioni led the Board in a moment of silence for all our fallen members. President Centurioni scheduled our next meeting to take place on Tuesday March 14, 2017. The meeting will be held at The Hall of Justice 850 Bryant Street, room #150 in San Francisco, California at 1:00pm.

To All:
Please visit our website at sfwidowsandorphans.org. Beneficiary forms can be accessed on our website by clicking on the RESOURCE box on our face page. New beneficiary changes must be signed by a board member, or notary. Please use the beneficiary form for any contact number and address changes. A member does not need a notary or board member signature for address and number changes. We wish to express our gratitude and thanks to the following people who assist us in our monthly operation: Paul Chignell (retired Captain S.F.P.D), David Ng in Personnel, Risa Tom and Sgt. Rachael Kilshaw in the Police Commission Office, Ray Shine (POA Journal Editor and retired S.F.P.D. Solo), Retired Lieutenant Rene Laprevotte who operates a website with approximately 3000 officers (active and retired), and the Traffic Solo Command and their officers who bestow their gratitude, patience, and generosity. Each month Traffic Company allows us to meet in their break room and use their Station for our business.