The Widows and Orphans Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department held their monthly Board Meeting on Tuesday December 8, 2015. The meeting was held at the Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant Street in Room#150, in San Francisco.
Roll Call: Vice President Sally Foster was present and facilitated the meeting as Interim President in the absence of John Keane. Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor, and Trustees John Centurioni, Ray Kane, James O’Meara, and Al Luenow were present. Past President Robert Maddox was present for our meeting with the Board, and later with our Investment Representatives. President John Keane and Trustee Leroy Lindo were excused.
After our Board Meeting at 3:00pm, our Board and Past President Robert Maddox met with our Invesment representatives at their Wells Fargo Home office on Montgomery Street in San Francisco. Ray Kane presented our actuarial study results with statistics and recommendations (see Special Committee section below). Treasurer Dean Taylor and other Board members added their support to move forward with dues increases on a schedule to ensure 100% funding for our organization. Investment representatives approved the strategy and discussed our investment strategy and current state of the market for 2016. Jerome Paolini of Wells Fargo/Abbot Downing was the Key Note speaker and expects to modify investment strategy during the upcoming election year.
Approval of the Minutes: Trustee John Centurioni made a motion to approve the minutes from November 2015. Trustee Ray Kane seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.
Receiving Applications for New Members; Suspensions and Reinstatements: We are scheduled to sign up the new Police Academy Recruits in January (247th Class), and in May (248th Recruit Class). Treasurer Dean Taylor reported receiving payment from Belinda Kerr for 2015-2016. Trustee Al Luenow made a motion to reinstate Belinda from our suspended list. Trustee Ray Kane seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection. Belinda Kerr is hereby reinstated as a member in good standing. The following list of names are members who were suspended this year and will be dropped from the membership in January if we do not receive their dues and late fees:
Pamela Cunningham, Angela Martin, Michael Pedrini, Richard Randall, Morris Rothman,
Phillip Wong.
Communications and Bills: Treasurer Dean Taylor presented all standard monthly bills and death benefits payed to the beneficiary(s) of fallen members Alan Johnson and Cliff Fogarty. Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to pay the bills and benefits. Bills included regular monthly bills including telephone bills, website management, employee payments, audit fees, and office supplies. Trustee Al Luenow seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.
Report of Visiting Committee: No report this month.
Report of Trustees: The WOAA received the sad news regarding the passing of the below listed members:
Joseph Carroll, age 54: Joseph S. Carroll was born on November 30, 1961 in Patterson, New Jersey. Joe passed away exactly 54 years later on November 30, 2015. Joe was surrounded by family and friends and is survived by loving wife Doreen and his three children, Cullen, Shannon, and Michael, his loving mother Elizabeth (Betty), his sister Elizabeth (Liz), his brothers Kelly, Patrick, and Matthew J. McNaughton, their wives Maureen, Marilyn, and Dawn, and numerous adoring nieces, and nephews. Joe was also blessed to have a large group of devoted friends from coast to coast. Joe was an extremely devoted and loving man who delighted in his children’s notable academic, social, and athletic successes. Joe entered the San Francisco Police Department on July 1, 1985. After four months in the Police Academy, Joe was assigned to Park Police Station and wore Star #609. Joe served the city in the following units and assignments: Northern Police Station (March 1, 1986), Communications (April 11, 1987), Investigations (June 30, 1990), Juvenile Detail (January 19, 1991) where he was promoted to Inspector (February 24, 1992) and later as a Sergeant of Police (June 15, 1996). Joe remained in Juvenile working specifically in Child Abuse and Exploitation. Sadly Joe became terminally ill as he battled cancer. Joe retired on June 20, 2015. Joe, as many other Inspectors in the Juvenile Detail, did a job that most officers would chose to avoid at all costs. Joe coached little league in Petaluma, California, and attended his children’s year round sporting events. Joe was an ardent supporter of St. Vincent De Paul High School in Petaluma and in the school’s community before, during, and after his children’s involvement. Joe served the citizens of San Francisco during his 30 year career as a police officer. Joe served as an officer, and later as an Inspector of Police in the Department’s Juvenile Division working to protect children. In recent years, despite his illness, Joe was delighted to attend Notre Dame Vs Stanford Football games in South Bend, Indiana where his son Cullen would coach from the Stanford sideline. Joe also spent time visiting his daughter Shannon during her academic year in Italy, and to visit his son Michael for a father-son college weekend in Oregon.
Frank Panacci, age 91: Frank Panacci was a first generation Italian American born on January 24, 1924 in the North Beach section of San Francisco. After serving his country in WWII as a member of the U.S. Navy, Frank joined the San Francisco Police Department on May 1, 1950. After graduation from the Police Academy on May 22, 1950, Frank was sent to Potrero Police Station. Frank wore star #1491. Frank spent less than one year at Potrero Station and was then transferred to HDQ Range on April 9, 1951. On May 26, 1952 Frank was transferred to Park Police Station, and less than 2 months later, Frank was sent to the Co.K Traffic Division. Frank apparently knew a ‘good thing’ when he experienced it. Frank served the city for the next 29 years in the Traffic Division 3Wheelers until his retirement on February 24, 1981.Frank earned a promotion to the rank of Sergeant on December 12, 1979. Frank participated in Community Outreach events that were sponsored by the S.F.P.D. often performing for numerous local charities. Frank’s true passion was playing the accordion, whether it be for his family, friends, or in his band. Frank began playing the accordion at the age of 8, and played into his 80’s, with a performance last year at the age of 90 (at his grand-daughter’s wedding. While in the Department, Frank earned awards for bravery and marksmanship. For services rendered on November 8, 1960, Frank received a Meritorious Award Second Grade for disarming a suspect who had fired a shot at a man and woman, and then threatened to shoot the officer. Frank was preceded in death by Donna, his wife of 52 years. Frank is also preceded in death by his parents Antonio and Assunta, his cherished ‘Nonna’, and his loving grandson Rob Panacci. Frank is survived by his five children Diane Devine, Carol (Ned) Altemus, Mary (Dave) Lazarus, Joan (Ed) Scott, and Frank (Janet) Panacci, his brother Fred and sister-in-law Phyllis; and numerous nieces, nephews, grandchildren (14), and great grandchildren (13).
John C. Sweeney, age 80: John C. Sweeney was born on May 13, 1935 in Cottonwood, California, to the late Charles C. and Elizabeth Sweeney. John’s family moved to San Francisco during his youth. John graduated from Balboa High School in the spring of 1953. After graduation, John joined the United States Marine Corp and was stationed in Japan. After serving in the U.S. Marine Corp, John joined the San Francisco Police Department on July 1, 1960. John wore star #1272. During John’s career, he worked at the following units: Mission Police Station (after academy graduation on October 10, 1960), Richmond Police Station (November 6, 1961), Ingleside Police Station (January 14, 1963), and on January 30, 1967, John was transferred for the final time in his career to the Traffic/Solos of Co.K. John remained a Solo until his service pension retirement on July 7, 1990. John worked as a Solo, the job he loved most, for 23 of his 30 years. On November 2, 1961 John received a Meritorious Conduct Award (no further information). For services rendered on March 26, 1961, John received a 2nd Grade Meritorious Award for the arrest of a hit and run driver. The investigation led John and other officers to the home of the suspect who armed himself with a gun and threatened to shoot the police. John and the other officers disarmed the suspect who was in possession of a revolver in hand. John is survived by his greatest achievement, his children John C. Sweeney Jr. (Michelle), Melinda P. Velasco (Fernando), and Diane Uronen. John is also survived by his sister Trish Souza (Larry), and his brother Bud Sweeney (Felicia). John is survived by numerous cousins, nephews, nieces, godchildren, grandchildren, and many close friends. John loved camping, fishing, and hunting.
Report of Special Committee: Ray Kane, with assistance from soon-to-be President Sally Foster, and Book Keeper Juie Centurioni, took the baton handed off from Trustee Jim O’Meara to pursue an Actuarial Study for the future health of the WOAA. Ray took charge of this project, dove into the deep end and did not come up for air until it was completed .The search began with Trustee Jim O’Meara heading the special committee project of rewriting the WOAA Constitution and By-Laws. Jim contacted and interviewed (Carr) McClellan and (Ed) Willig. Carr and Willig recommended Bartel Associates for our actuarial study and the study was recommended prior to the rewrite. Jim interviewed Bartel and Associates and presented his report and recommendations. Ray contacted Bartel Associates, provided them with the necessary data, and was the Liason between the Board and Bartel Associates. Ray was in contact with Bartel Associates and ensured us that the study would be finished within our agreed upon time frame. The following report was submitted to me, by Ray, for this publication. From Trustee Ray Kane;
Actuarial Study Results
Over the past couple of years, the WOAA Board of Trustees has observed an uptick in the number of member deaths each year. At the beginning of 2015, the Board of Trustees voted commission an actuarial study to determine 1) Our current Funded Status; 2) If under 100% funded, the amount needed to raise our dues for a fully funded organization; and 3) can we raise our dues and raise our death benefit above the current $17,000.
With these goals in mind we contracted with Bartel Associates, LLC to conduct an actuarial review of our Association. Our goal was to obtain answers to the above listed three questions. We provided Bartel Associates with a Benefit Summary, the data of our membership including age, the assets of our Association, and our investment strategy. The results of the study show that our Association is currently 74.3% funded. The study results revealed and recommended that we need to raise our dues to $142.27 annually to achieve our goal of being fully funded! The study also suggested that we would be ‘ill-advised’ to raise our death benefit amount.
As part of our Duty of Care as Trustees, we are required to administer the fund in a manner that ‘protects’ the interest of the beneficiaries, and protecting the membership of the Widows and Orphans Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department. To protect the interest of the membership and their beneficiaries, I believe that the annual dues need to be raised, per the results of the actuarial study. The Board is sensitive to the fact that many of our members live on a fixed income. After much debate, the idea of a ‘gradual increase’ in our annual dues was decided by vote, as our best option for raising our annual dues in a manner that would give the membership time to adjust their budgets to accommodate the increase. As a group, the Board also wanted to increase the death benefit amount to reflect the constant increasing costs incurred after the death of a loved one.
During our December 2015 Board Meeting I made a motion to change the annual dues and payout amount for the Widow and Orphans Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department. The motion made was for the following changes:
1) 2016 Annual Dues $ 72.00 Death Benefit $17,000 (stays the same as 2015)
2) 2017 Annual Dues $ 100.00 Death Benefit $17 500
3) 2018 Annual Dues $ 150.00 Death Benefit $18,000
Ray asked the Bartel Associates representative to estimate the years in numbers that our organization could possibly run out of funding if we continue with our current formula with the costs, member deaths, and market. The estimate, which is a calculated guess, was 28 years.
This motion passed unanimously. The gradual change of the annual dues amount and death benefit should give members time to adjust their budgets to the higher dues, but will allow us to prudently raise the death benefit that the association provides to our membership. The results of the study will be published in full on our website for review at ‘’.
Unfinished Business: President John Keane has decided to forgo a President’s Dinner honoring him for his hard work and dedication. President Keane did not believe it was necessary to include this dinner since we have incurred a heavy year of expenditures. Our board will try to honor John is a more modest form. His dedication, perseverance, attention to detail, and professionalism led our board in a successful effort to gain vision for the future of our organization. John oversaw the huge effort by Ray Kane to search for, decide upon, and hire a firm to give us an actuarial study (see above in Report of Special Committee). John realized on his ascension to the chair of President that the WOAA is in need of advice and direction to be fully funded and secure for our members in the years to come. John brought the same work ethic, professional demeanor, and confidence to the WOAA that he has exhibited in his work as a Police Inspector for many years. We are fortunate to have John stay with us as the Junior Trustee. Our thanks go out to John for a great year of leadership.
New Business: No report this month.
Adjournment: Acting President Sally Foster led our Board in a moment of silence for our fallen members. Acting President Foster adjourned the meeting at 3:45pm, and scheduled our next meeting for the New Year, on Tuesday January 12, 2016.
To All Members: Please visit our website “” to obtain a beneficiary form, click on the upper right side of the tool bar on the resources box. Please print out the form, make your changes, and mail it to us at WOAA, P.O. Box 880034, San Francisco, California 94188. Please use the same form for address and contact number changes. Beneficiary changes require a signature of a Notary, or one of our Board Members. I can be contacted by phone at 415 681-3660. Missed calls not accompanied by a message will not be returned. Our continued thanks and appreciation go out to Retired Captain Paul Chignell of the POA who assists us in locating and contacting lost or delinquent members. We also receive assistance from Lieutenant Nick Rainsford and David Ng of Personnel who provide employee history for our obituary section. Sergeant Rachael Kilshaw and Risa Tom of the Police Commission Office assist us with providing individual award information of fallen officers for our obituary section. Thank you for all that you do for our cause.