The Widows’ and Orphans’ Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department held their monthly meeting on Tuesday April 9, 2019. The meeting was held at 850 Bryant Street, room #150 in San Francisco, California, at 1230 hours.
Roll Call: President Ray Kane, Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor, Trustees Al Luenow, Ryan Walsh, Louis Barberini, and Leroy Lindo, and Bookkeeper Sally Foster were present. Vice President Jim O’Meara and Trustee Rob Forneris were excused.
Approval of the Minutes: Trustee Al Luenow made a motion to approve the minutes from our March 2019 meeting. Trustee Leroy Lindo seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.
Receiving Applications; Suspensions and Reinstatements: President Ray Kane will respond to the San Francisco Regional Police Academy to present our membership to the 263rd Recruit Class. The following dropped members have paid their dues and fines, and submitted a Doctor’s note of good health: Ray Carlson, Alexis Goldner, Mark Lundin, and Darryl Rodgers. All four dropped members were reinstated and are in good standing. The following members failed to pay their 2019 dues by the required date of March 31, 2019: Eric Altorfer, Michael Androvich, Marsha Ashe, Raymond Austin, Jill Brophy, Reese Burrows, Derek Byrne, Robert Cebalo, Michael Celis, Clodagh Coles, Arthur Conger, Timothy Connell, Walter Cuddy, Rain Daugherty, James DeMartini, Sean Doherty, Christopher Downing, Duncan Duffin, Scott Edwards, Albert Fernandez, Emily Fields, Malcolm Fong, Fabian Fowler, Jason Fox, Joshua Fry, William Garcia, David Gin, Ian D. Goold, Russell Gordon, James Gratz, John Greenwood, William Griffin, James Jones, Jody Kato, Harry Keenan Jr., Belinda Kerr, Mary Kilgariff-Weese, Sidney Laws, Dean Lee, Michael S. Lee, Bryan Lujan, Edouard Marchand, Graham Matthews, Justin McCall, Richard Miller, Theodore Mullin, Kevin Needham, Jordan Oryall, Michaerl Palada, Brian Peagler, Morgan Petiti, Barbara Pinelli, Kevin Rector, Darby Reid, Richard Reyes, James Riordan, Angela Rouede, Gregory Salcedo, Benjamin Santana, Mark Stull, Jennifer Thompson, Timothy Whatley, Mark Williams, Michael Wolf. The listed names were provided by Treasurer Taylor to President Ray Kane who, per WOAA Constitution Article III, Section 3, declared the 2019 unpaid members as suspended from the benefits and privileges of the Association. Secretary McDonough shall notify the suspended member(s) in writing.
The WOAA, primarily Bookkeeper Sally Foster, Secretary McDonough, and Treasurer Taylor have gone to great lengths to contact our membership regarding accurate mailing addresses. We have received a great majority of assistance from retired Captain and now the POA Defense Administrator Paul Chignell. We have made great strides in updating the addresses of our membership. The effort was not 100% successful. Our letters of Suspension and Separation are often returned unsigned in the mail. This percentage of returned mail is due to incorrect addresses, and a member or members refusing to sign for certified mail. The following names are from returned letters of our yearly billing. The names are listed above in the suspension content. Due to no 2019 dues payment, the members are now suspended. If any member has a correct address or contact number, please contact the member and advise them to contact us regarding their dues and status. The members with returned billing are Arthur Conger,Fabian Fowler, Ian D. Goold, Theodore Mullin, Mark Stull, and Timothy Whatley.
The following Separated Members certified mail was returned without signature. If any member has a contact number or address for the following dropped member(s), please contact them, or us regarding their dropped status. The separated members are the following: Joseph Filamor, Robert Glenn, Gregory Hicks, Roger Peters, Michael Phillips, and Justin Webster.
Communications and Bills: Treasurer Dean Taylor read aloud the bills, and the payouts to the beneficiaries of passed members Rich Arambula, Mike Byrne, Ed Packard, Peter Willams, and Don Wilson. Trustee Ryan Walsh made a motion to pay all bills and beneficiary payouts. Trustee Lou Barberini seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.
Report of Visiting Committee: No report this month.
Report of Trustees: We received the sad news of the passing of our following members:
Thomas Easton, age 89: Thomas James Easton was born in New York, New York. Tom was listed as a Shipping Supervisor prior to entering the San Francisco Police Department on April 16, 1952. Tom graduated from the Police Academy and was transferred to Taraval Police Station on May 26, 1952. Tom transferred to Northern Police Station on August 31, 1953. Tom was promoted to the rank of Sergeant on February 11, 1970. There is no record of Tom leaving Northern Station after his promotion. Tom retired after 27 years with a service pension on September 17, 1979. Tom wore Star #1582. On February 16, 1961 Tom arrested suspects for Robbery with a Knife at a Motel, and was subsequently awarded a 2nd grade Medal of Valor. Tom also received Commendations for his part in the arrests of Auto Theft suspects (1960), and Burglary suspects (1965).
Timothy Simmons, age : Timothy Louis Simmons was born in Marrero, Louisiana. Tim was a parking control employee prior to entering Law Enforcement. Tim joined the San Francisco Police Department on October 16, 1966 and was assigned to Star #1411. Tim worked the following assignments during his 25 year career: Richmond Police Station (January 30, 1967), Southern Police Station (November 13, 1967), City Prison (January 2, 1970), Intelligence (March 7, 1977), Gang Task Force (September 13, 1977), Intelligence (August 9, 1978). Tim was appointed to Assistant Inspector on November 19, 1982. Tim retired with a service pension on. August 16, 1991. Tim received a Department Commendation for assisting in the rescue of a drowning man on February 17, 1970.
Report of Special Committee: Bookkeeper Sally Foster reported that voting packets will be mailed out containing proposed changes of the Constitution and By-Laws along with a ballot. Please read the instructions carefully so that your vote will count. Each member will receive a letter containing our proposed changes, a ballot, and the return envelope. The WOAA Constitution and By-Laws re-write has been in progress for five years. We believe the changes are necessary to stay current with today’s demands and political climate. Please review the content and return your ballot vote in the self-addressed/metered envelope. Sally Foster has endured five years of challenges to complete this very demanding assignment.
Old Business: See Report of Special Committee.
New Business: No report this month.
Good of the Order: No report this month.
Adjournment: President Kane led our Board in a moment of silence for all our members who have passed away. President Kane scheduled our next meeting for Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 1230 hours. The meeting will be held at the Hall of Justice 850 Bryant Street, room #150 in San Francisco, California. President Kane adjourned the meeting.
To All Members: Any WOAA member can access a new beneficiary form from our website at Click on RESOURCES and the access the form through the link.
Please complete the form with all your contact information and your designated beneficiary. Please sign and date the form and send it to our address at P.O. Box 4247, San Rafael, Calfornia, 94913-4247. We express our thanks and gratitude each month to the following people: retired San Francisco Police Department Captain and current POA Defense Administrator Paul Chignell, Retired San Francisco Police Lieutenant and the host of the Gold Country Reaper Website, Retired San Francisco Police Sergeant and the current and long standing editor of the POA Journal Ray Shine, retired San Francisco Police Sergeant Rachael Kilshaw and Risa Tom of the Police Commission Office, David Ng of Personnel, and the men and women of Traffic Command who graciously afford us a location for our meetings and files.