The Widows’ and Orphans’ Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department held their monthly meeting at 1:00 pm on April 11, 2017 at the Hall of Justice.
Roll Call: President John Centurioni, Vice President Leroy Lindo, Treasurer Dean Taylor, and Trustees Ray Kane, James O’Meara, Al Luenow, John Keane, and Sally Foster were present. Secretary Mark McDonough was excused.
President Centurioni presented 2016 Past President Sally Foster with a plaque of appreciation for her year as our Board President. I believe we are past the era of women in leadership roles as a ground-breaking news story. Women have been rising through the ranks in Law Enforcement and in the private sector for many years. Perhaps we overstated Sally’s Presidency as being the “first female president” in the 139 year history of the Widows’ and Orphan’s Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department. However, in the male dominant history of our organization, Sally’s presidency is a “first”. What is truly important for Sally and the organization is what follows. Based on the results of our Actuarial Study in 2015, Sally led our Board in decisions that were tabled, discussed, argued, and resolved. The WOAA Board decided it was critical to our organization to raise the dues in an effort to become 100% solvent. We also had to organize a two-year plan to raise dues. We knew it would not be an easy task, and to date, we are correct. We are currently attempting to collect dues from approximately 200 retired members. In 2016 at this time our number of unpaid dues from retired members was approximately 75. We cannot stress enough the importance of paying your dues in a timely manner. Failure to do so jeopardizes your membership and creates additional work. Sally Foster delivered her input and scheduled dates for our work to be completed. Sally also pushed for completion on the Constitution and By-Laws re-write. In the process of resolving our issues with solvency, studies, dues, re-writes, mass mailing, audits, member suspensions and drops, and member deaths, we engaged in long discussions and differences of opinion. Sally maintained a balance and was able to guide the ship through more than one storm. It was a complicated and emotional year for our board. Leadership at the top is critical for any organization. Sally provided her leadership in 2016 and it was instrumental for a stronger WOAA.
Approval of the Minutes: Trustee Sally Foster made a motion to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting on March 14, 2017. Trustee Ray Kane seconded the motion. The passed without objection.
Receiving Applications; Suspensions and Reinstatements: No applications, suspensions, or reinstatements at this time. Treasurer Dean Taylor is currently working on a solution for membership payments for Recruits upon their initial sign-up. The younger generations of today pay their bills online and rarely use or own a checkbook. We have experienced a great deal of difficulty the past two years when signing up new members from our Academy Classes. New Recruits have shown a consistent pattern of not bringing cash or checks for our signup. We strive to keep pace with new changes and systems and provide new and current payment methods to support our membership drive.
Communication and Bills: Treasurer Taylor recently met with Schwab representatives in regard to our new money management team. We will report changes and portfolio figures when we receive our quarterly reports. Treasurer Taylor reported the regular monthly bills and beneficiary payments to the designated beneficiary(s) of fallen members Joseph Stone, August Stremme, Thomas Burns and Thomas Moore. Trustee Luenow made a motion to pay the bills. Trustee Foster seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.
Report of Visiting Committee: No report this month.
Report of Trustees: No report this month.
Report of Special Committee: No report this month.
Unfinished Business: The new proposed changes to the WOAA Constituion and By-Laws have been sent out to be printed. We will send out the proposed changes to the membership for a vote. We will report when the documents are completed and ready for mailing.
New Business: No report this month.
Good of the Order: Book keeper Julie Centurioni reports that to date 200 retired members have not paid their 2017 dues. Julie will print of list of the names and have the list dispersed to our board members. The WOAA board will assist Julie by attempting to contact the unpaid members.
Adjournment: President Centurioni led the WOAA board in a moment of silence for all our past fallen members. President Centurioni scheduled our next meeting for Tuesday May 9, 2017 at 1:00 pm. The meetings are held at the Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant Street, room #150 in San Francisco, California.
To All: Please visit our website at Beneficiary forms can be accessed on our website by clicking on the RESOURCE box on our face page. New beneficiary changes must be either signed by a board member, or a notary. Please use the beneficiary forms for any address or contact number changes. There is no requirement for a notary or board member signature for address and contact number changes. Please be provide us with any changes. We will update your file and assist us in our efforts to contact you by telephone or U.S. mail. We have experienced several members who have contacted us and complained about not receiving a bill, only to realize during the conversation that they relocated without notifying the WOAA. We wish to express our gratitude and thanks to the following people who assist us each month. Paul Chignell (retired S.F.P.D. Captain and POA legal defense administrator), David Ng (personnel), Sgt. Rachael Kilshaw and Risa Tom (Office of the Police Commission), Ray Shine (POA Journal editor), Rene Laprevotte (retired S.F.P.D. Lieutenant and host of the Gold Country Reaper website), and the entire Traffic Solo Command and Officers who bestow their gracious generosity each month by providing us with a location for monthly meetings and space for our files.
Mark J. McDonough
WOAA Secretary