April 2016 Minutes

By | May 10, 2016

Our meeting was pre-empted by representatives of our financial investment team of Wells Fargo/ Abbot and Downing. We were informed of our quarterly report (-$10,000), and a discussion and recommendation for our year going forward. We were informed that an ‘Election Year’ is normally viewed as a good year for investments followed by a tough year following. Abbot Downing stressed that our dues increase is a very positive step in attempting to regain our solvent financial status which has been discussed in the minutes in previous months this year.

Roll Call: President Sally Foster, Secretary Mark J. McDonough, and Trustees Leroy Lindo, Ray Kane, Jim O’Meara, and Al Luenow were present. Vice President John Centurioni, Treasurer Dean Taylor, and Trustee John Keane were excused.

Approval of the Minutes: Trustee Jim O’Meara made a motion to approve the minutes from last month’s meeting on February 9, 2016. Trustee Ray Kane seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.

Receiving Applications; Suspensions; and Reinstatements: The next scheduled date to sign up recruits at the Police Academy is May 5, 2016. The WOAA will respond at 11:00 to sign up prospective members of the 249th Academy Class. There were no suspensions or reinstatements. Suspensions for 2016, if any, will occur on July 1, 2016. At this time, there are approximately 90 to 100 members who have not paid their 2016 dues. We do not like to print names in this column, but are mandated by our Constitution and By-Laws to do so upon Suspension or Drop of membership. We dropped four members this month for non-payment of over one year. The motion to drop the members was made by Trustee Al Luenow. Trustee Ray Kane seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection. The four dropped members are listed below:
Pam Cunningham, Bud Massey, Philip Wong, and Robert Wood.
Certified letters were sent to the above listed four members. The WOAA is willing to welcome back and reinstate any and all dropped members upon payment of back dues, late fees, and assessments, and a letter from their physician proclaiming that the person is in good health.

Communications and Bills: The regular monthly bills were presented as well as the payout for the death benefits for four members. Trustee Al Luenow made a motion to pay the bills. Trustee Leroy Lindo seconded the motion. The motion to pay the bills passed without objection.

Report of Visiting Committee: No report this month.

Report of Trustees: The WOAA received the sad news of the passing of the following members:
Albert Ruppel, age 86: Albert Rupple was born on March 4, 1930 and passed away on April 5, 2016 after a long struggle with COPD. Albert was married to his wife Virginia who preceded him in death one month earlier on March 5, 2016. Albert is survived by two daughters Carol Ricker and Donna Coyle, as well as several grand-children and great grand-children. Albert was a member of the WOAA. We know little of Albert Rupple. Our limited information is as follows: Albert joined the San Francisco Police Department on March 20, 1951 but was not made permanent until April 16, 1952. Albert was issued star # 1028. Albert worked the following units in his 7 year career: Taraval Police Station (April 9, 1951), Company K Solo (January 2, 1957), and Company K solo FP (July 1, 1957). On April 7, 1958 at 08:00am Albert resigned to enter private business.
Sol Weiner, age 87:
Sol Weiner was born on September 8, 1928 and passed away on April 16, 2016. Sol was born in San Francisco and graduated from Mission High School. Soon thereafter, Sol joined the United States Air Force. Sol completed his service in Air Force and joined the San Francisco Police Department on July 5, 1950. Sol was issued star #1752, and later #1251. Sol worked the following units in his career: Taraval Police Station (7-17-50), Company K 3-Wheelers (January 1, 1953), Park Police Station (November 1, 1956), Company K Warrants (March 31, 1958), Ingleside Police Station (July 12, 1967 when promoted to Sergeant), Southern Police Station (February 24, 1969), Crime Information (April 20, 1970), Bureau of Support Services (BSS) (July 19, 1970), Inspectors Bureau (January 23, 1972), BSS (August 1, 1976), Patrol Bureau Park Police Station and back to Southern Police Station (January 4, 1977 promoted to rank of Lieutenant), Central Police Station (April 1, 1978), Support Services Bureau (SSB) (April 12, 1978). Sol retired with a service pension on July 17, 1979. Sol was a former president of the San Francisco Police Officers Association (SFPOA), as well as a founding member of the San Francisco Veteran Police Officers Association. Sol was also one of the founders of the San Francisco Police Credit Union where he continued to work after retiring. Sol was a family man and a big fan of the San Francisco Forty Niners. Sol is survived by his wife Jean Weiner, daughters Pam (Doug Simpson), and Lynne Weiner. Sol is also survived by many nieces, a nephew, adopted daughters Dorrie Lasher and Jane Mosher, as well as grand-children and great grand-children.

Report of Special Committee: President Sally Foster addressed the board asking for members to submit their requests for our Constitution re-write. The board unanimously agreed to modify the section that hold members responsible for paying timely dues when called away for Military Leave. We agreed that members on Military Leave should not be responsible for paying their yearly dues until they have returned home from Military Service. We have discussed raising late fees for dues payments, from five dollars to ten dollars for each month past the due date.            We unanimously agree to have our raising of dues figures reflected in our constitution.
President Sally Foster reported that she sent flowers to Vivian Dare for condolences for member in passing Lt. Greg Dare.

Unfinished Business: No report this month.
New Business:
No report this month.
Good of the Order:
No report this month.

President Sally Foster adjourned the meeting at 1513 hours and led the board members in a moment of silence for our fallen members. President Foster set next month’s meeting for Tuesday May 10, 2016 at 1300 hours. The meeting will be held at the Hall of Justice 850 Bryant Street, room #150.
To All Members:
Please visit our website at ‘sfwidowsandorphans.org’. Beneficiary Forms can be accessed and printed from our website by clicking on the ‘Resources’ box on the upper right side of the face page. If you wish to make a change of Beneficiary please complete the form and send it to P.O .Box 880034, SF, Ca, 94188. Please use the Beneficiary Form to make ADDRESS AND CONTACT NUMBER CHANGES. No signature is required for address and contact number changes.  We give our thanks to David Ng and Captain Nick Rainsford of Personnel for providing us with Obituary information on fallen members. We also thank Sgt. Rachael Kilshaw and Risa Tom of the Police Commission Office for providing any award information a member received during their career. This information is also used for the Obituary section. We also thank Retired Captain Paul Chignell of the San Francisco Police Officers Association who assists us when we cannot locate a member (PLEASE UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS AND CONTACT NUMBERS), and finally a thank you to the entire Company K Solo unit for continuing to be our gracious host each month for our meetings.