The monthly meeting of the Widows and Orphans Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department, was called to order on Tuesday April 14, 2015. The meeting was held as scheduled at 850 Bryant St, room #150, at 1:45pm. The regular order of business was preempted for a quarterly report from our financial representatives from Abbot-Downing (Wells Fargo Bank).
President John Keane and Vice President Sally Foster signed the Investment Policy as a yearly reaffirment. Abbot-Downing reported that the WOAA faired-well in the first quarter in a shaky market. There are concerns in the Bond Market that the Federal Government could raise the interest rates. REITS continue to prosper, but commodities continue to fall. Our contributions are UP due to a large membership dues deposit. Performance is up 2.10% for the quarter. Our Account has been held constant for 8 years since inception. Abbot-Downing reported stated we have done well considering the large amount of withdrawals. The U.S. Dollar is strong. Abbot-Downing stated that the market was down 38% in 2007, and used this history to view our Account over a long period.
Roll Call of Officers: President John Keane, Vice President Sally Foster, Treasurer Dean Taylor (conference call), and Trustees John Centurioni, Leroy Lindo, Ray Kane, and Al Luenow were present. Secretary Mark McDonough (illness) and Jim O’Meara were excused. Dave Nastari of Co.K was also present.
Approval of the Minutes: Trustee Leroy Lindo made a motion to approve the minutes from our last meeting on March 10, 2015. Trustee Ray Kane seconded the motion which passed without objection.
Receiving Applications for New Members; Suspensions and Reinstatements: Of the listed Dropped Members from early this year, we have received notice from the Post Office that at least five letters were returned to sender.
Communications and Bills: Trustee Al Luenow made a motion to pay our monthly bills. Trustee John Centurioni seconded the motion which passed without objection. Monthly bills consist of Website management, administrative costs, salaries, and death benefitis. Death benefits were paid for Calvin Tom and Aaron O. Barnes.
The following donations were generously sent to the WOAA. On behalf of fallen member Calvin Tom: Larry Young and Yiying Chen ($100), Jennifer and Thomas Lee ($60), Amy Nonaka ($30), Elena Tung ($51),Deborrah and Albert Ng ($50), Rene Thomas ($20), Donald and Jennifer Tasto ($100), Larina and Dellef Herbst ($20), and Edmond Lee ($50). On behalf of Pat Mattox, fallen spouse of WOAA Past President Bob Mattox, POA Journal Editor Ray Shine ($100), and WOAA Vice President Sally Foster ($25). Our thanks and gratitude to all donors.
As of 4/14/15, 400 retired members have not paid their bills.
Report of Visiting Committee: No report this month.
Report of Trustees: I received the news of the following WOAA fallen member(s):
Nick Eterovich Sr. age 92: Nick Eterovich Sr. was born in San Francisco on August 31, 1922 in the Mission District. He attended Balboa High School where he played on the basketball team. Later, Nick became an avid golfer. He graduated in the spring of 1941. Nick attempted to enlist in the Unites States Navy but was rejected because of a hand injury suffered in his youth. Nick was missing a knuckle from his right hand. Nick successfully concealed the injury and enlisted in the United States Coast Guard. Nick later concealed the injury again when he was able to join the San Francisco Police Department. While in the Coast Guard, Nick met his wife-to-be Lilamay Fairbanks in Seattle, Washington. After his completion of service in the Coast Guard, Nick returned to San Francisco and worked for the San Francisco Glass Company. In 1956, Nick joined the S.F.P.D. and was assigned to Star #489. Nick did a one-year stint at Potrero Station and one year at Northern Station before landing at Central Police Station. At Co.A, Nick pounded the beat on Broadway Street during the height of the “Topless era”. Nick was soon to be known as “Broadway Nick”. Nick Eterovich Sr. also holds the distinction of walking a beat with his son, Nick Eterovich Jr. Father and son walked together in the late 70’s in the Fisherman’s Wharf area. Nick Sr. moved his family to San Rafael in 1970. Nick Eterovich Sr. served the City of San Francisco as a Police Officer for 30 years. Nick Sr retired in 1986. Nick Sr was preceded in death by his wife of 55 years, Lilamay Pauline Eterovich who passed away on January 19, 2001, his sister Winnie,his brother Mathew, daughter-in-law Valerie, grandson Nicholas, and great grandson Owen. Nick leaves behind behind 2 sons, 2 daughters, 8 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren, and 2 great great grandchildren.
This obituary was submitted by Nick Eterovich Jr.
Report of Special Committee: Trustee Jim O’Meara provided information to the Board that he has three recommendations for an attorney he consulted for an Actuarial Review. Trustee Ray Kane provided this information and stated Jim will forward the name of the attorney who believes will best meet our needs.
Unfinished Business: No report this month.
New Business: No report this month.
Good of the Association: No report this month.
Adjournment: President John Keane closed our meeting with a ‘moment of silence’ for our fallen members. Keane then scheduled our next meeting for Tuesday May 12, 2015. The meeting will be held at 850 Bryant St, room #150, at 1:45pm.
To All Members: Please visit our website at ‘’. You can access Beneficiary Forms by clicking on the ‘resources’ box which is located on the upper right side of our tool bar. This is accessible on laptop and desk top computers, not pads. If you are changing your beneficiary, please complete the form and mail it to us at WOAA, P.O. Box 880034, SF, Ca 94188. A beneficiary CHANGE is required to have a signature of a Notary, or a board member. Please use this form for address and contact number changes (Notary is not necessary). I can be reached by telephone at 415 681-3660, or by email at ‘’. I continue to give thanks to Paul Chignell of the POA for his continued assistance with membership location concerns. I also give thanks to Lt. Nick Rainsford and Jon Voong of Personnel who continually assist us with member history for our obituary section of our column. John Monroe of the Police Commission Office also assists us with award information for our fallen member obituaries.