Monthly Minutes – August 14, 2012

By | August 14, 2012

The monthly meeting of the Widows and Orphans Aid Association for August was called to order by President Mark McDonough on Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 1:51 p.m. in Room 150 at the Hall of Justice.


Roll Call of Officers:

President Mark McDonough, Vice-President Robert Mattox, Secretary Joe Reilly, Treasurer Dean Taylor, Trustees John Centurioni, Sally Foster, Al Luenow, and Harold Vance were present. Trustee John Keane was excused.  President McDonough opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Approval of the minutes of the June meeting:

A motion made by Centurioni, seconded by Luenow, to approve the July minutes passed without objection.


Receiving applications for new members, suspensions and reinstatements:


The following members were ordered suspended from Association membership, upon a motion by Vance, seconded by Foster, for nonpayment of dues in excess of six months, pursuant to Article III, Section 3 of the Association’s Constitution: Brian Kneuker, Chhunmeng Tov, Michael Slade.


Members suspended at this meeting have forfeited all Association benefits as of this date.


The following members were ordered reinstated to Association membership, upon a motion by Vance seconded by Foster, after payment of back dues, with all benefits restored, pursuant to Article III, Section 5 of the Association’s Constitution: Nick Eterovich, Sr., James Hall,

Daniel May, Michael J. Sullivan, Thomas Vellone.


Both motions passed without objection.


Communications and Bills:

Routine correspondence and the normal monthly bills were received in July. A motion by Mattox, seconded by Centurioni to approve payment passed without objection.




Report of the Trustees:

The Association has not received notice of any deceased members this past month:


Unfinished Business:

Treasurer Taylor reported that the annual audit required by the Employee Retired Income Security Act (ERISA) is underway in addition to preparation of the yearly non-profit corporation tax returns.


Further discussion followed on the subject of the Association’s dues structure and assets and liabilities position that was tabled at the July meeting. The subject of a dues increase was discussed considering the sustainability of the current death benefit payable and the number of such benefits paid out on a yearly basis. The Association does not have a clearly determined baseline that would reflect the point at which liabilities could jeopardize the stability of assets.

The potential that a catastrophic event could severely strain Association assets was also discussed. The possibility of conducting an actuarial study was suggested. Informal inquiries will be made to develop that concept and its components for future discussion.


New Business

Secretary Reilly informed the Trustees that he would be looking at ways to improve the Association’s business performance model.


Good of the Association:

If you are a Widows and Orphans member whose dues are deducted from your paycheck and are retiring soon, or if you have retired in the last year, please remember that payroll deductions for dues stop once you are retired. Dues payments are not deducted from retirement checks. (Automatic payment through the credit union is not affected) Please contact the Association for instructions on maintaining your membership. Members can contact the Association at in addition to the Association’s voice mail phone number

(415) 681-3660, or speak to any one of the Association officers.


Members who have been suspended should contact the Association immediately in order to pay back dues be re-instated. If you know any of these members, please advise them to contact the Association immediately.



President McDonough set the next meeting for Tuesday, September 11, 2012 at 1:45 p.m. in Room 150 at the Hall of Justice. A moment of silence was observed for all our deceased members. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.