The monthly meeting of the Widows and Orphans Aid Association for April was called to order by President Bob Mattox on Tuesday May 14, 2013 at 3:45pm. This meeting took place at the Wells Fargo Bank Office at 420 Montgomery Street in San Francisco, as part of our quarterly meeting with our Investors.
Roll Call of Officers:
President Robert Mattox, Vice President Al Luenow, Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor, Trustees Joe Reilly, and Past President Mark Hurley, who with the permission of the Board was sworn in by President Mattox as a one-day Trustee, were present. Trustees John Centurioni, John Keane, and Sally Foster were excused. Trustee Harold Vance resigned his position on May 14th by email notice. President Mattox opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of the Minutes of the March 2013 meeting:
A motion was made by Hurley and seconded by Reilly to approve the April minutes. The motion passed with no objections.
Receiving Applications for new Members; Suspensions and Reinstatements:
There were no applications for new members, or suspensions and reinstatements. We are scheduled to respond to the San Francisco Police Academy on May 30, 2013 and present an opportunity for Academy Class 237 to join the WOAA. We will respond back to the Police Academy on June 17,2013 and provide Academy Class 236L, a Lateral Class, the same opportunity to become new members of the WOAA, within our association guidelines. The scheduling is subject to change.
Communications and bills:
Hurley made a motion to pay the bills. Joe Reilly seconded the motion. The motion passed no objections. Luenow made a motion to additionally pay the bill of $240 to Monica Centurioni for her continued work on updating our database with a complete membership roster and beneficiary information. Joe Reilly seconded the motion, which passed with no objections. Mark McDonough made a motion to reimburse Trustee Sally Foster for $150.00 for a gift to Past President Matt Gardner for service in-lieu of a celebratory dinner. The motion was seconded by Luenow and passed with no objections. McDonough made a motion to pay our insurance premium of $365 for bonding, which was seconded by Luenow. The motion passed without objection.
A gracious and generous donation of $1000 was made to the WOAA by the children of past fallen member Sgt. Hoy Henderson. The donation was forward to us by Cynthia Cummings on behalf of the Henderson family. We accept the gift with thanks and heartfelt gratitude.
Report of Visiting Committee:
Report of Trustees:
The month of April was absent of any death notices of the membership. As stated above in the Roll Call, Trustee Harold Vance respectfully resigned his position. The vacant Trustee position will be filled in accordance of our by-laws. Two members have been nominated for the position, Leroy Lindo and Charles Hoenish. Any member interested in this post should contact the Board as soon as possible.
Report of the Special Committee:
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
Reilly and McDonough will meet prior to our next meeting and secure the necessary files for our regularly scheduled July Audit, which is required by ERISA.
Good of the Association:
A formal letter of thanks and appreciation will be drafted and sent to Cynthia Cummings and the Henderson family.
We received a positive quarterly report of our investment portfolio earnings. Our advisers have suggested that we stay with the majority of our diversified investments. The sales of Hedge Funds may occur for additional capital to invest in other areas. We were advised that there might be a short pullback in the market that may cause a dip.
President Mattox set the next meeting for June 11, 2013 at 1:45pm in room#150 at the Hall of Justice. A moment of silence was observed for all our deceased members. President Maddox adjourned the meeting at 4:10pm.
All Members:
We have approximately 100 members who have not paid their 2013 dues. Please forward a check to the address listed below, to avoid a suspension that occurs after a six-month non-payment of dues.
Please be sure that your beneficiary forms are up to date with your current information and your choice of beneficiary. We can be contacted at 415 681-3660.
You can set up a direct deposit in January of each year to pay our annual dues. This can be done through your financial institution, or mail a check to:
P.O. Box 880034
SF, CA 94188.