March 2020 Minutes

By | March 10, 2020

The Widows’ and Orphans’ Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department held their monthly meeting on Tuesday March 10, 2020. The meeting was held at 850 Bryant Street, room #150, at the Hall of Justice in San Francisco, California. The meeting commenced at 1230 hours.

Roll Call: President James O’Meara, Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor, (conference call), Trustees Rob Forneris, Ryan Walsh, Louis Barberini, Leroy Lindo, and Ray Kane, and Administrative Assistant Sally Foster were present. Vice President Al Luenow was excused but was available via conference call.
Approval of the Minutes:
Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to accept the minutes from our February 2020 meeting. Trustee Ryan Walsh seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.
Receiving Applications; Suspensions, and Reinstatements:
Trustee Ray Kane will respond to the San Francisco Police Academy on March 25, 2020 topresent our Organization Membership to the 268th Recruit Class. There are no new suspensions or reinstatements. However, by midnight on March 31, 2020, any member who has not paid his/her dues will be subject to Suspension (of all rights and privileges) by order of our President, pursuant to Article III, Section 3 of our By-Laws and Constitution. Sally Foster has sent out the bills, and subsequently mailed a “reminder” to the unpaid members a few weeks ago. As of this date (March 20, 2020), our list of unpaid members is in excess of 120. I do not enjoy printing the names of members who have not paid their bill. However, I am mandated to publish the names pursuant to our By-Laws and Constitution. I realize that many retirees do not receive the POA Journal. For the members who read this article, please understand our disappointment with the high number of unpaid members. We have made a huge effort for the past few years to emphasize the importance of staying in good standing by paying the dues on time. We have made great efforts to reach out by mail and the internet, to update our records with correct addresses and contact numbers. Several members have moved to a new location and did not notify the WOAA. Our efforts were very successful and to have this many unpaid members at this late date is surprisingly disappointing.
Communications and Bills:
Treasurer Dean Taylor read aloud the bills and death benefit claims of fallen members William Dougherty, Timothy Cadigan, and Donald Foulk. Trustee Ray Kane made a motion to pay the bills and death benefits. Trustee Leroy Lindo seconded the motion. The motion passed without objection.
Report of Visiting Committee:
No report this month.
Report of Trustees: We received the sad news of the passing of the following WOAA members:
Paul Craib, age 96:
Paul Craib was born on December 6, 1923, in Stockton, California. Paul was a Cab Driver prior to entering Law Enforcement. Paul entered the San Francisco Police Department on May 19, 1947. Paul was assigned to Star #1152. Paul worked the following assignments during his 27-year career: Richmond Police Station (June 2, 1947), Co. K Traffic (August 15, 1949), Mission Police Station (December 18, 1950), Co. K 3 Wheelers (February 5, 1951), Traffic Administration (January 1, 1969). Paul retired on January 18, 1974 with a service pension. Paul was awarded with a Second Grade Medal of Valor for services rendered on January 27, 1955. On that day, Paul rescued a woman who was attempting to leap off a tall building. There is no further information on the incident. I was informed by Paul’s daughter Terri, that Paul was born outside of Stockton in Lodi, California. Terri stated that Paul graduated from James Lick Jr. High School and Commerce High School in San Francisco, and that Paul later enlisted in the United States Army and was stationed in the Phillipines during WWII.
Arvid Lindgren, age 89: Arvid Lindgren was born on November 8, 1930, in San Francisco, California. Arvid entered the San Francisco Police Department on September 16, 1953 and was assigned to Star #16. Arvid must have avoided “change”, or knew a “good thing” when he saw it because he worked in only one location for his entire career. Arvid worked the following assignments during his 31-year career: Co. K FP (10-26-53), Co.K APB (May 4, 1955). Arvid retired on July 10, 1984 with a Disability Pension. Arvid was awarded a Third Grade Medal of Valor for services rendered on June 16, 1967. Arvid, with Inspector Jim Higgins, Sergeant Thomas Barry, and Officers Charles Bates, Dennis E. Murphy, and Steven Runyon pursued and arrested a suspect who had just robbed a Jewelry Store. The suspect fled the Jewelry Store and had taken refuge on the steps of old building. The above-named Officers began to ascend up the steps when the suspect pointed his gun at them and threatened to shoot. One Officer, in an effort to calm the situation, discarded his firearm and approached the suspect in conversation. During the conversation, one of the other Officers entered the building and was able to exit a rear door behind the suspect. One officer on the stairs signaled to the Officer behind the suspect that they would rush the suspect. All the Officers converged on the armed suspect and engaged in a physical struggle. One Officer was able to place his finger between the firing mechanism and the trigger on the suspect’s firearm to stop the suspect from firing his weapon. The Officers were able to overpower the suspect and place him in custody.  Arvid was a native San Franciscan and graduated from Mission High School where he played Varsity Football. After High School, Arvid worked as a driver for C&W Frozen Foods prior to entering Law Enforcement. Arvid was a member of several organizations including: The California Indians (Skeet Shooting), the Pacific Rod and Gun Club, the Verdi Club, the South San Francisco Elks Lodge, the Phoenix Masonic Lodge, and the Native Sons of the Golden West #157. Arvid is survived by his loving wife Norma, his sister-in-law Martha Kraft (Robert), brother-in-law Robert Greeno (Barbara), and many nieces and nephews, especially Richard Kraft, who was like a second son to him. Paul was preceded in death by his loving wife Gloria, and is survived by his son Richard, and his daughter Terri.
Report of Special Committee:
There is no Special Committee at this time.
Old Business:
No report this month.
New Business:
No report this month.
Good of the Order:
No report this month.
President O’Meara led our Board in a moment of silence for all our passed members. O’Meara scheduled next month’s meeting for Tuesday April 14, 2020. The meeting will be held at 850 Bryant Street, room #150, in the Hall of Justice at 850 Bryant Street in San Francisco, California. O’Meara then ended our meeting.
To All Members:
WOAA members can access beneficiary forms from our website Click on RESOURCES and the link will appear. If you wish to change your beneficiary, please complete the form and either have it signed by a NOTARY, or by one of our board members. Mail the form and any other correspondence to WOAA, P.O. BOX 4247, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94913-4247. I can be contacted by cell phone 415 681-3660, or by email at We express our thanks and gratitude each month to the following people who assist our efforts each month: Retired San Francisco Police Captain, and the current Defense Administrator for the SFPOA Paul Chignell, retired San Francisco Police Lieutenant and the current host of the Gold Country Reaper Website, Rene Laprevotte, David Ng of Personnel, Risa Tom of the Police Commission Office, and finally to the entire Traffic Command for their generosity and their time for providing us with a location for our meetings and our files.