The monthly meeting of the Widows and Orphans Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department was called to order on Tuesday August 12, 2014 by President Al Luenow at 1:45 pm. The meeting was held at 850 Bryant Street in Room #150 at the Hall of Justice.
Roll Call of Officers: President Al Luenow, Vice President John Keane, Secretary Mark McDonough, Treasurer Dean Taylor, Trustees Sally Foster, Leroy Lindo, John Centurioni, and Ray Kane were present.
Approval of the Minutes: Trustee John Centurioni made a motion to accept the minutes from last month’s meeting on July 22, 2014. Trustee Ray Kane seconded the motion which passed without objection.
Receiving Applications for New Members; Suspensions and Reinstatements: I responded to the San Francisco Police Academy on Monday August 4, 2014 and accepted 9 WOAA applications from a class of 10 recruits in the 242nd SFPD recruit class. The 242 is a class of Lateral Transfer Officers.
The WOAA has consistently encouraged our members to update their address and contact numbers. We occasionally need to contact members regarding their file. Our efforts to contact three members have been unsuccessful. If any members knows the following three members, or, can be of any assistance to us, please contact me at my below listed phone number, or email address. The three members are as follows: Charles Easton, Peter Ionin, and Thomas Stack.
Communications and Bills: Treasurer Dean Taylor presented the regular monthly costs and bills, and three death benefits paid out. Trustee Sally Foster sent flowers to the families of fallen members Frank McFarland, Ray Bini, and Robert Bronson. Trustee John Centurioni made a motion to pay all costs and bills. Trustee Leroy Lindo seconded the motion which passed without objection.
Report of Visiting Committee: No report this month.
Report of Trustees: Robert J. Bronson, age 74: Robert J. Bronson was born on June 1, 1940 in Oakland, California. Bob was listed as a “student” prior to entering the San Francisco Police Department. Bob entered the S.F.P.D. on 8-16-68 and would serve the city and its citizens for the next 35 years. Bob was assigned to star #896 and would serve in the following units from 1968 through 1980: Mission Police Station (1968), Park Police Station (1975), Potrero Police Station (1979), Investigations/Personal Crimes- General Work (1979), and Investigations/ Property Crimes-Fraud (1980). Bob found a home in the Fraud Detail and served with distinction from 1980 until his service retirement on June 27, 2003. Bob was promoted to Sergeant on March 21, 1979, and to full Inspector on June 13, 1979. Bob met Maria, the love of his life, 50 years ago. It was love at first sight and their love affair continued throughout their lives together. Bob is survived by his wife Maria, and his two daughters Karen (Scott and Kayla), and Erin (Ted and Bryn). Bob was surrounded by family in Carlsbad, California where he passed away on July 2, 2014. Bob’s passion was working cases in the Fraud Detail as an Inspector of Police in the San Francisco Police Department.
Frank Morino, age 61: Frank Morino was born on 10-05-52 in San Francisco, and was listed as a “construction worker” before entering the San Francisco Police Department on 3-14-77. Frank was assigned to star #264 and completed the Academy on 7-3-77. Frank was transferred to Mission Police Station for his Field Training Program. After completing the FTO Program, Frank was transferred to Northern Police Station for his Probation Phase. The record shows that Frank completed his probation and remained at Northern Police Station until he made a career change. Frank left the SFPD on 01-27-80 to embark on new career in the San Francisco Fire Department. Frank worked in the SFFD for the next 27 years and retired as a Battalion Chief. Frank was preceded in death by his parents Kenji Morino and Frances Okamura. Frank is survived by his wife Veronica, and his sons David and Mark, and siblings Jerry and Barbara.
Report of Special Committee: Trustee Sally Foster, earlier this year, volunteered to resurrect the past practice of sending floral arrangements to the families of our fallen members. I have personally received numerous telephone calls and thank you cards from families expressing their gratitude. Families have complimented us on the arrangements and our sentiment. I would like to thank Sally Foster for stepping forward to run this program, and for extending our condolences to the grieving families of our members.
Unfinished Business: 2013 WOAA President Robert Mattox spearheaded our efforts to have our Constitution and By-Laws modified and re-written to meet the current political demands in our society. Our Constitution and By-Laws were created well over 100 years ago. Through the years, additions and modifications have been made. We had a verbal agreement with an attorney who is also a high ranking San Francisco Fire Fighter, however, the agreement did not progress any further. We will now consult with the SFPOA in our search for an attorney who is experienced in this subject matter.
New Business: No report this month.
Good of the Association: No report this month.
Adjournment: President Al Luenow moved for a moment of silence for our fallen members. President Luenow then set our next meeting on 9-9-14 at 1:45pm at 850 Bryant Street in room #150.
To All Members: Please visit our website “”. Members can access beneficiary forms when clicking on the “resources” box on the upper right portion of the toolbar. Use the form for any beneficiary changes. A beneficiary change must have the signature of a Notary, or one of our Board Members. Please use this form to make address and/or contact number changes. Send the forms, any dues, or inquiries to WOAA, P.O. BOX 880034, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94188. Our contact telephone number is 415 681-3660. Missed call with no voicemail message will NOT BE RETURNED. I can be contacted by email at 20 members are delinquent on dues from 1-1-14. Per our Constitution and By-Laws they were suspended last month. We print the names of our suspended members in hope that they, or a friend, will see the notice and contact us. WE WANT ALL OUR MEMBERS TO REMAIN IN GOOD STANDING. Suspension notices are not made for the purpose of embarrassing our members. We are following our guidelines and wish for all members to stay with our organization. Occasionally an error is made by an incorrect bookkeeping mistake. I will extend a written apology to any person who has been incorrectly reported as delinquent, and in turn, suspended or dropped. Suspended members owe their $72 dues, plus $5 each month after suspension. We accept any and all assistance in tracking down members who have changed their address and contact numbers, and did not forward their changes to the WOAA. We are working diligently to resolve these issues and impress upon our members that we occasionally need your help, in order to serve your needs. I continue to give monthly thanks and gratitude to Retired SFPD Captain Paul Chignell of the POA, and to Inspector John Monroe of the Police Commission Office who assist us each month with membership issues and information of Department Awards for our obituaries. I also give monthly thanks to Lt. Troy Dangerfield and Jon Voong of Personnel who assist us with employment information of our fallen members.
To All Recent Retirees: All members go “off payroll” upon retirement. Therefore, each recent retiree should send us the remainder of their yearly dues. We encourage each retiree to re-establish a “direct deposit” account to pay your yearly dues each January. If you have not sent your dues for 6 months after retirement, you will be subject to suspension by our Constitution and By-Laws. Please help to avoid a “suspension situation” and pay the remainder of your bill for 2014.
To All ACTIVE MEMBERS: We have been informed that the City of San Francisco will transition all active “direct deposit” members, to a one time January payment of $72.00 each year. This transition will begin in January of 2015. No longer will you see a small amount deducted each paycheck. Starting in January of 2015, the new transition will begin. Prior to retirement, we encourage each member to set up the January payment of $72.00 by you financial institution and continue to have the payment made for you. This benefits the WOAA, and the members.